Chapter 30: The Elephant In The Room

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"It appears that I will be learning a little bit more about you tonight, Ms. Dunnings," Brinson said, his voice soft and full of curiosity. Both he and Megan made their way to the center of the stage.

Time to really get into character. I couldn't wait to see where they both would take this scene.

"Mr. Ainsworth, I enjoy traveling and I value my liberty to do what I want with my life."

"Please call me Thomas." Brinson advanced towards Megan, his gaze narrowing. His arms were at his sides, and he exuded a commanding demeanor.

He was really committed to this role.

"And I presume you can't have one without the other?" he asked.

"I want to travel and experience life in all of its facets," Megan replied.

"I admire you, Ms. Dunnings." He stood so close that their bodies almost touched.Their eyes locked in each other's gaze.

Holy Mackarel! I'm nearly convinced these two are madly in love!

"Brinson! You son of a bitch!" the voice rang out near the auditorium door, causing both Megan and Brinson to step back, drawing the attention of everyone in the room towards the source of the interruption.

"Mason!" Melissa's voice cut through the tension, echoing loudly in the auditorium.

"I'm going to kill you, clown!" With a furious determination, Mason charged over the rows of seats, heading straight for Brinson. But before he could reach him, Melissa climbed over the last row of chairs and whacked the jock over the head with a rolled-up script.

"How dare you barge in here and interrupt rehearsal!"

"We're done, Mason!" Megan's voice rang out, her stance resolute as Brinson stood protectively close by. "It's over! Nothing could change my mind!" The words hung heavy in the air, final and unyielding.

Wait! What? Oh my goodness!

"Mason, I need you to leave the auditorium right now!" Ms. Dartwood exclaimed with her hands on her slender hips, shocking everyone. She means business.

But Mason merely cast her a passing glance, as though her authority as our teacher meant nothing, before slowly pivoting to fix his gaze on Brinson.

"I told you to stay away from my girlfriend!" he declared.

"How were we supposed to play our parts if he stayed away from me, Mason?" Megan interjected.

"She does have a point," Penny whispered loudly to me, causing my heart to leap into my throat.

"Penny! Please don't startle me like that again," I pleaded, clutching my chest.

"What?" she asked, her face contorted in confusion.

"You just scared the Moaning Myrtle out of me," I quipped.

"Oh, please. And where the hell is Mr. Scott and his gorgeous ass when you need him?" she sighed dramatically.

"You heard Ms. Dartwood during Creative Writing. Mr. Scott is away for a family emergency," I reminded her, though I had my doubts too.

"Did you truly believe her?" Penny raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"You don't?"

"'Family emergency' is too broad. It's an excuse that both you and I use," she paused for effect, "and everyone on earth uses when they're feeling lazy. But that's something that i understand. We all have days when we want to do nothing."

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