Chapter 35: Merry Christmas

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After much anticipation in our home, the long-awaited Christmas Day finally arrived. I happily helped Mom set the table, carefully placing each dish in its designated spot. The tempting aroma of the roasted turkey wafted through the house, drawing our senses and making our mouths water in anticipation of the feast to come.

Dad, on the other hand, was practically buzzing with excitement, already planning our summer road trip to Chicago.

"A nice long road trip will be the perfect way to bond as a family before we drop our college girl off!" Dad said, beaming at me.

Ever since I announced my acceptance to the University of Chicago, it was all Mom and Dad could talk about. They were even more excited than I was!

"Oh, we simply must tour the campus and check out the dorms to make sure they're up to snuff, honey," Mom fretted.

Their pride and joy over my accomplishments shone through in every conversation. At times, it seemed the only other topic they were interested in was planning out my college experience down to the smallest detail.

"And we'll take you shopping for all new sheets, towels, and decor to make your dorm room feel nice and homey," Dad added.

Luckily, my sister Belle was there to add some variety to our holiday conversations, even if the only thing she could ramble on about was her friends, giving us constant updates about how each one was celebrating their own Christmas this year.

"Ugh, Becky got the new iPhone for Christmas, and she's already flooded social media with a zillion photos of it taken from that stupid phone," Belle complained.

"Oh, that's nice, dear," Mom said absently, already steering the conversation back to me. "Now, Wednesday, for your dorm room, tropical theme sheets or plaid?"

I shot Belle a pleading look as she rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Who cares about phones and dorm rooms?" she interjected. "Let's talk about something more exciting, like... oh, I don't know...literally anything else!"

I had to stifle a laugh as she tried distracting Mom and Dad again. As much as I basked in their excitement about college, I appreciated when Belle could divert them, even briefly. Her inane stories of friends' Christmas gifts and petty drama were a welcome respite from the endless college planning discussions.

Although, over Christmas dinner, Chicago was now all Mom and Dad could talk about—again.

"Belle, would you love to go to Chicago when you finish high school?" Mom asked as we all sat down to eat.

Belle gave a noncommittal shrug. "I dunno. But right now, I've got other plans."

Dad's eyes shone brightly as he turned to me. "Honey, we are so proud of you for getting into your dream college. This calls for a celebration!" He raised his glass of eggnog in a toast.

Dad had said that many times since I shared the news about college with them.

Mom dabbed her eyes with her napkin, also raising her glass. "To our dear Wednesday Elizabeth."

I smiled, warmth filling me at their praise. We clinked glasses before digging into the feast before us.

As we passed dishes around the table, Dad asked, "Have you heard from Adam? Any college acceptances for him yet?"

I shook my head. "Adam has decided to take a break after high school. He's still planning to go to Nepal for a year. I already told you that."

"Ah yes. Nepal," Dad said. "And what about Penny? Is she still set on Nepal too?"

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