Chapter 31: Not a Movie Date

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Today, I woke up to a chilling morning, with winter's icy fingers already gripping Pinecrest. It was the last day of school before the winter break, and I couldn't be happier.

Our quaint town, normally a haven for sleepy locals, transformed into a festive paradise during the holidays. The promise of snowmen, children making snow angels, and epic snowball fights hung in the air. The town buzzed with holiday shoppers, creating a lively atmosphere.

As Mom drove Belle and me to school through the snow-dusted streets, the clouds painted the sky, blocking the sun's rays. The town, however, radiated festive cheer. And Pinecrest High, with its familiar charm, looked like a scene from a seasonal greeting card.

"Okay! Have a wonderful last day of school, you two!" Mom exclaimed happily as she drove away, slightly late for work due to Belle's missing socks.

Without a word, Belle and I exchanged glances and headed in different directions.

Walking into the building, I couldn't help but notice the sea of students donning bright green, chunky knit sweaters. I silently thanked my stars for choosing the loose-knit red sweater my mom got me last year.

In the hallway, gaudy Christmas garlands adorned the corridors, and vibrant banners screamed "Merry Christmas" in every direction. The memory of mistletoe decorating every doorframe last year made me instinctively look up. Penny and I had managed to avoid unwanted kisses, but poor Adam had fallen victim to a few cackling girls.

"Finally. It's the last day of school," Penny remarked as we made our way to first period.

"And the final day of rehearsal before our last rehearsal week before the big night," I added.

Penny and I reached our first class just as the bell rang, signaling the start of the lesson. We slouched in our chairs, uninterested in the world around us. Penny yawned, and my mind wandered to our upcoming play rehearsal.

The day flew by, and before I knew it, it was time for our final rehearsal before the Christmas break.

"Okay! Let's go through the second act!" Melissa's voice echoed across the auditorium.

Megan, radiating an unusual burst of energy, stood confidently in the spotlight, gripping her script. "I thought Wendy was still going through some tweaks in the second act."

"Revisions, yeah, but not a total rewrite." Melissa sighed, pinching her nose before scurrying over to Ms. Dartwood, grabbing the binder. "Let's proceed with Act Two. We can deal with the revisions later."

With a dramatic toss of her head, Laura complained, "Mr. Scott, it's the last day before winter break! Why are we rehearsing now? Especially when Wendy is still tweaking the second act." She tossed her folder onto the nearby couch, grumbling about the whole situation.

For some reason, she had reverted back to her old self, annoying personality and all. I couldn't help but wonder if it had anything to do with Mason's one-month suspension for hitting Brinson. But why would she suddenly turn into her former, not-so-charming self? Maybe, as Penny had hinted, things had changed when Mason and Megan broke up, and Laura decided to side with Mason, for reasons unknown.

Mr. Scott turned to me, those piercing eyes locking onto mine. After being left in Ms. Dartwood's care, I had made progress in avoiding awkward eye contact, but now I was back to square one. His absence seemed to revive old feelings, leaving me feeling a mix of nostalgia and discomfort.

"What's your take on this, Ms. Greene?" Mr. Scott's gaze shifted to me.

Oh no, not those eyes again! After Mr. Dartwood took charge, I found myself right back where I began, unable to meet his gaze. I thought I was making progress, but his absence brought me back to square one. It felt like his absence had stirred up old, awkward feelings.

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