Chapter 34: The Acceptance Letter

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When I reached home, I gently pushed the front door open, avoiding eye contact as I tiptoed past the living room. The sound of Hell's Kitchen playing on TV let me know Mom and Dad were glued to their favorite show. Dad was a huge fan of Gordon Ramsay and never missed an episode.

I bit my lip, holding back a smile. I was still buzzing from my evening out—okay, not a date, just a movie night with Mr. Scott. I couldn't wait to squeal into my pillow upstairs.

Trying to slip past my parents, I made a beeline for the stairs, but Dad's voice stopped me in my tracks. "How was the movie?"

I froze, gripping the banister tightly. Slowly, I turned to face them, trying to act casual.

"Oh, it was alright," I replied with a shrug.

Mom and Dad exchanged a glance, and Mom couldn't help but tease me. "Wednesday Elizabeth, are you blushing, sweetie?"

Heat rushed to my cheeks, and I tried to deny it. "No, I'm not!" I protested before bolting up the stairs to my room.

"Is she blushing because it's cold outside?" Dad's voice floated after me from the living room.

After closing the door to my bedroom, I collapsed onto my bed and breathed a sigh of relief. Although I loved my parents, there were some things I couldn't tell them. Technically, I hadn't lied about my plans for the evening; I conveniently left out some details - like who I was actually with. Sure, Penny was at the movies, but I watched it with Mr. Scott.

Alone in my room, I took a deep breath, my heart still racing. Had that really just happened? Did I really spend the evening with Mr. Scott?

Holy meatballs!

A squeal escaped me as I hugged my pillow. Although I knew it was risky, the thrill of sneaking around with him sent my stomach into a delightful frenzy.

As I was lying there, my phone vibrated against my leg. I reached for it, feeling my heartbeat accelerate. I took a deep breath before unlocking the screen, unable to contain the huge grin that spread across my face.

My stomach did a flip-flop the moment I saw Mr. Scott's familiar number appear on my screen. I wanted to save it, but I needed to come up with a name that wasn't too obvious. I chewed my lip, considering different options, when another message appeared.

'Don't tell me you're already asleep.

A grin crept across my face, and I swiftly crafted my response: 'Wide awake.

'Just got home.

'I have a question.

I hit send without hesitation.

In less than a minute, his reply appeared.

'Glad to know you reached home safely. Ask away.

I took a deep breath, my palms growing damp. Carefully, I typed: 'Suggestions for a name I should save your number under?

My heart pounded as the seconds stretched on, awaiting his reply. What name would he suggest? Something safe but meaningful, just between us? I couldn't wait to find out.

Mr. Scott replied with a string of laughing emojis. Has he been this effortlessly cool?

I grinned—maybe we were more alike than I realized.

Then his name suggestions rolled in.

'Scotland? Ben? Admirer??? Take your pick'

Admirer? My phone slid from my grip and landed on the curve of my neck, narrowly avoiding my face as I saw his third suggestion. Is he subtly flirting with me?

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