Chapter 38: The Play

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The shrill beep of my alarm jolted me awake on the morning of the big play. I slapped the snooze button and pulled the covers over my head, wishing I could hide from this day forever. But I couldn't avoid it. Today was the day my original play would be performed in front of the entire school.

I dragged myself out of bed and got dressed in a fog, my stomach churning. The delicious aroma of banana pancakes and crispy bacon wafted upstairs, but I could barely choke down a few bites. Food tasted like cardboard in my dry mouth.

"It's going to be amazing!" Mom said, squeezing my shoulder.

Belle nodded eagerly. Even she was excited to see the play her sister wrote. I managed a weak smile.

The clock ticked closer to showtime. My palms were slick with sweat as I climbed into the car. I rubbed them against my jeans, but it didn't help. My heart pounded against my ribs the whole ride to school.

When we arrived, we filed into the crowded auditorium. I scanned the rows of parents, teachers, and students.

I slipped backstage, leaving my family to find their seats. My heart hammered against my ribs. This was it.

"Here she is!" Brinson's voice boomed as I entered the bustling dressing room. All eyes turned to me expectantly. Everyone was there—everyone except Mr. Scott and Ms. Dartwood.

"Any words, Wendy?" Melissa prompted, flanked by Penny and Megan.

My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. I wasn't prepared for this—to stand before them and speak. "Sorry, I didn't know. I didn't prepare." I stammered.

Suddenly, I felt a supportive hand squeeze my shoulder. I craned my neck back to see Adam behind me, giving me an encouraging smile.

"Just tell them to break a leg," he whispered.

I nodded, relief flooding through me. "Right. Um...break a leg, everyone." I managed a small smile. "And please don't forget your lines or what we practiced in rehearsals."

"Nice!" Brinson bellowed, pumping his fist excitedly.

Melissa smoothly took over, launching into tips for conquering stage fright and remembering lines. She sounded so polished, like a seasoned professional. Penny gazed at her with clear admiration.

I walked away and started to pace in a corner, my stomach churning. Then Megan put a hand on my shoulder. "You OK, girl?"

I looked up, trying to force a smile. "Yeah, just...nervous."

She laughed. "Hey, we've got this. I've never felt more prepared for a show. Your script is amazing."

I nodded, but my confidence didn't improve much. "Thank you."

Then her expression turned serious and somewhat anxious. She said, "And hey, Wendy. I know I haven't really been nice to you." I wanted to suggest to her that we hadn't really interacted before this, but I let her continue.

"And...well," she laughed shyly and nervously before taking a deep breath. "Well, I know that you know about the stupid thing the girls and I had for Mr. Scott."

I was shocked. Was she talking about the bet? Was she coming forward now? I feigned surprise and asked, "Thing?"

Megan smiled and said, "Penny told me."

"She did what?" I asked in disbelief.

"Look, the bet's off now. Obviously. I still think Mr. Scott is hot, know. Um, so, yeah, we got to hang out a lot over the break, and it was a much-needed wake-up call for me. I realized that the toxic people in my life were holding me back, and I needed to cut them out to become the best version of myself."

Meet Me After ClassOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara