Chapter 39: Penny and Melissa

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Penny and Melissa kissing.

The image kept replaying in my mind as I rushed to the bathroom, my heart pounding. My thoughts spun wildly, trying to process what I had witnessed. How was this possible? Why didn't I see it coming?

I stumbled into an empty stall, breathing heavily. Slumping onto the toilet seat, I dropped my head into my hands.

Penny and Melissa.

Melissa and Penny.

No matter how many times I repeated it, I couldn't wrap my mind around the two of them together in that way.

My best friend was into girls? Into Melissa? How had I missed the signs? I wracked my brain, thinking back over our years of friendship. Had there been clues I overlooked or dismissed? Furtive glances I misread as friendly affection?

My head swam with questions. But one thought rose above the rest—why didn't she tell me? We were supposed to share everything—no secrets. At least, that's what I believed.

I dropped my face into my hands with a groan. This changed everything. All those times we had sleepovers and talked about guys—had she been pretending? Had it been a cover this whole time?

I wanted to understand, but confusion battled inside me. I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart. But the image of their kiss kept flashing through my mind.

Had they been hiding this relationship from me, or was this something new? Or did this happen during the break? Did anyone else know? So many questions!

After finishing up as quickly as possible, I rushed back out in search of Adam.

I found the cast celebrating in the dressing room, slapping each other on the back. I put on a smile as I waded through the crowd, doling out high fives and "congrats." But my mind kept flashing back to the prop room.

There was no sign of Adam anywhere.

"Hey Brinson, have you seen Adam?" I asked.

Brinson glanced around. "He was just here."

I wriggled away from everyone and slipped into the narrow space dividing the curtain from the backstage area.

"Adam?" My voice echoed, but no response came.

I emerged from the curtain to find Mr. Scott, Ms. Dartwood, and Principal Peels chatting, their faces glowing with pride and excitement. Mr. Scott stood looking unfairly attractive as always in a crisp white polo and jeans. Heads predictably turned in his direction.

"There she is!" Ms. Dartwood waved me over eagerly.

"Congratulations, Ms. Greene," Principal Peels chirped, giving me a once-over. "I never took you for the writing type. I figured you were more of an athlete."

I clenched my jaw to stop it from dropping. Me? An athlete? Was she serious? Nothing about me said 'athletically inclined'.

We exchanged a few pleasantries before I slipped away, anxious to find Adam. I hurried back behind the curtain, only to feel a gentle hand on my arm, turning me around.


Mr. Scott's face loomed inches from mine.

"Oh, hi," I stammered.


"Thanks," I acknowledged, my gaze meeting his, and I could feel my heartbeat quickening in the wake of the moment. "Did you catch the whole thing?"


The word hung there, and I felt this urge to say something, anything. But my lips felt like they were on lockdown. My lips felt like they were sealed shut, as if they were afraid to betray the racing thoughts that were careening through my mind.

Then, out of the blue, he closed the gap between us, and I was caught off guard, like a deer in headlights, as his lips met mine.

My soul screamed. Not literally, of course, but it felt like chaos inside. Time stretched out. My thoughts were scattered. How long did his lips linger against mine? Four, five, six eternities? I couldn't tell.

Holy Carbonara! Scott is kissing me behind the curtain. He was kissing me—a scenario so cliché and, dare I say it, romantic.

Then, he pulled back, his eyes widening like they'd seen a ghost. "Oh, shoot, Wendy..."

I stood there, statue-still, lips buzzing, unable to find my voice. We locked eyes for what felt like an eternity—or at least a few earth-shattering seconds. Then he turned and walked away without another word, leaving me stunned in his wake.What in tarnation just happened? Mr. Scott kissed me, then walked away without saying a word.

Now I'm just standing here like an idiot.

Move, Wendy! I urged my numb limbs into motion, desperate to escape the swarm of confusion. I shuffled out from behind the curtain on jelly legs, emerging into the bustling crowd of oblivious people. If only they knew the storm of emotions swirling inside me.

"There she is!" Dad's voice cut through the din.

Mom swept me into a crushing hug. "Our brilliant playwright!"

If they could only catch a glimpse of the crazy mess I'm dealing with right now—the bombshell about Penny and Melissa hitting me just moments ago—the butterflies from Mr.Scott's unexpected kiss still going... I'm keeping it all in, putting on a smile to hide the storm inside.

"Congratulations, Wendy!" Mrs. Brown appeared with Audrey and Adam in tow.

Adam. Finaly! I met his eyes briefly, a thousand words I wanted to tell him.

"Thank you," I managed weakly as Mrs. Brown pecked my cheek.

Dad launched into a gushing monologue about Adam's acting ability, making him blush and rub his neck sheepishly.

"Well, Wendy coached me..." Adam deflected.

Audrey rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Yes, yes, they're both awesome. Adam and Wendy! Couple goal! Yey! So cute together—""

What is her problem?

"—We already know that! But can we go eat now? I'm starving!"

Okay, fine! She's hungry. That's her problem.

"Yes! Please! Marcy's will be swamped soon. I heard some of the people here are planning on going there too," Belle added.

I latched onto the distraction. "We're going to Marcy's?"

The mundane conversation anchored me as we made plans to celebrate at Pinercrest's favorite family restaurant. But all the while, my lips still tingled from the ghost of Mr. Scott's kiss.

Dad beamed. "We're celebrating at Marcy's—your debut as a playwright and Adam's stage acting!"

"Okay, fine," I muttered, scanning the dispersing crowd for any sign of Penny or Melissa. But I was pretty sure they had already disappeared. With a resigned sigh, I followed my family outside.

I congratulated Adam briefly before climbing into Dad's car, my mind still churning over the kiss. As my parents chattered excitedly about the play's highlights, I stared out the window, lost in thought.

Why did Mr. Scott rush off like I had bad breath? Did he regret it immediately? Was it something I did? Or didn't do? Did my breath stink? I analyzed my lip technique but came up empty. His abrupt departure left me swirling with questions.

My thoughts inevitably drifted to Penny. I itched to tell Adam what I saw, but doubt crept in. Penny had kept this part of herself hidden. Did I really want to out my best friend when she wasn't ready? The karma police would slap me hard for that.

I wanted to be supportive, but why all the secrecy? I thought we could share anything.

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