Chapter 56: Her Biggest Fan

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So, it's a wrap...

My whirlwind summer internship at Urban Oasis Playhouse flew by in the blink of an eye. Every day was a thrilling flurry of rehearsals, set building, community outreach, and lots and lots of coffee runs.

"Hey there, fireball! I've got a nice easy one for you today," Tommy would say with a grin.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" I'd ask skeptically.

"Just a couple of coffee runs for the production team meeting. Sixteen ventis, a couple fancy lattes, and one green tea. Think you can handle it?"

Tommy turned out to be an incredible mentor, generously teaching me the ins and outs of running a small theater.

"The most important thing," he said, leaning back, "is to write dialogue that actors can really sink their teeth into. The words need to just flow off the tongue naturally."

I nodded, scribbling notes. "How do you achieve that? Just hours of revision?"

"Revision is key, but it also helps to read it out loud as you're writing. Get a feel for the rhythms and cadences."

He pulled a draft from his desk drawer. "Like this new scene I'm working on. The wife's motivations aren't coming across strongly enough." He cleared his throat and began reading the part aloud, his voice taking on the characters.

I soaked up every scrap of wisdom from him and the other creatives, feeling myself grow.

"Thanks for jumping in today, Wendy. We'd still be swimming in this sea of clothes without you," the costume designer told me one afternoon.

"For sure, happy to help! I love getting to work with all the different costume pieces," I replied.

"You've got a good eye. Here, take this vest with you and practice some hand stitches on it before next time."

The two months ended up being hugely informative. And not just professionally—I experienced a 360-degree life change, from riding the subway alone ("You're cutting it pretty close again, Wendy! Everything ok?" Tommy would ask as I rushed in late) to trying Thai food for the first time to navigating NYC rent prices.

"Load-in?" I asked the stagehand one evening as she laughed about the upcoming week. "You'll see, young'll see," she replied mysteriously.

Throughout the chaos and excitement, I made sure to call my family every Sunday. Mom, Dad, and Belle wanted full details on the latest shows and Mr. Scott's sister's trendy East Village neighborhood.

"Hello? Sweetie, it's so good to hear your voice!" Mom answered cheerfully. "How's the internship going? Is Mr. Scott taking good care of you?"

"It's been amazing, Mom! Mr. Scott has been incredibly welcoming," I assured her.

"Please thank him again for letting you stay at his sister's apartment," Mom replied. "Those New York accommodations can't be cheap. We appreciate him making you comfortable out there."

The line crackled as Dad's voice joined the call. "My baby, the New York intern! You have to tell me about all the bakeries you've visited so far."

I laughed. Typical Dad. "Well, you're in luck - I've got a list going of the best spots to try!"

"Yes!" he exclaimed. "Any unique New York baked goods? Funky donuts, crazy cupcakes? I need all the details for recipe ideas."

Before I could respond, Belle's voice piped up. "And what about the Upper East Side?? Have you seen the Met Steps from Gossip Girl? Or Grand Central Terminal? You have to go explore!"

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