Chapter 37: A Dilemma

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In the fuzzy aftermath of Adam's party, it dawned on me that I had dug myself into a major hole. I'd gone and kissed my best friend. Multiple times. And I actually enjoyed it. But at the same time, I'm I'm crushing on Mr. Scott!

I sank into my pillow, literally confessing my secret crush on Mr. Scott. A high-pitched squeak slipped out, muffled by the cozy fabric. Then,it hit me—I'd turned into one of those girls from school, head over heels for Scott.

I am now one of them! Unbelievable!

With Adam, my stomach fluttered with butterflies. Yet, I couldn't help but blush and feel those same fluttery sensations whenever Scott was around too.

What does that make me? A player? Ew!

The mere thought made my stomach churn.

As the new year arrived, I heard nothing from either Scott or Adam. It was a relief for me, as I thought it would be better to keep them out of sight and out of mind—I didn't have to deal with the emotional turmoil of managing two romantic interests.

However, on my first day back to school, I felt nervous as I entered Scott's class. Although, to be honest, I was half-expecting something from him—anything—but he only gave me a polite smile, which seemed to be his standard greeting for everyone. I felt both a sense of relief and a tinge of disappointment.

As I sat down at my desk, I couldn't help but think about the person I had become—a girl who juggles guys, all the while struggling to keep her emotions in check.

During the final dress rehearsal, while the cast members chatted fondly about their recent holiday experiences, I decided to take a break. I felt overwhelmed and needed a moment of solitude backstage. That's when Scott appeared beside me with an easy grin and wished me a "Happy New Year".

He held out a book. Dramatic Ink: A Writer's Journey into Theater Arts had a striking cover with a picture of a stage and a spotlight.

"I didn't have time to wrap it, sorry."

"Wow, thank you!" I realized that I hadn't gotten him anything, and this was supposed to be a gift exchange. "But I...I didn't get you anything."

"Don't worry about it, Ms. Greene."

Ms. Greene. It was weird hearing him call me that when he used my nickname while we were texting. I thought maybe we were back to being formal on school grounds. I wondered if he was trying to keep things formal on school grounds.

Or was I reading too much into things, as usual? Maybe he wasn't actually flirting, and I was just mistaking his niceness for something more. Shoot.

I studied his face for clues. His expression gave nothing away; it was totally unreadable.

Ugh, was I being delusional, imagining we had this deep connection when we so didn't? He was simply my teacher, and that was the end of it.

"Thanks, Mr. Scott." I glanced around nervously, suddenly aware of how close he was standing. Or was he? Now my hyperactive imagination was picturing him leaning in to...

"Mr. Scott?" Adam's voice made me jump back. Mr. Scott also recoiled, caught off guard.

"Adam, hey." Mr. Scott walked over to him briskly, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Ms. Dartwood is looking for you." Adam's gaze bounced curiously between us.

"Right." Mr. Scott rubbed his neck, flustered. "So, good job on Act Two, Ms. Greene..." he trailed off awkwardly.

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