Chapter 5: Time

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Warning: This chapter was a bit rushed soooo, swears, blood, (M/c) has powers, mentions of murder, voices, attempted murder, guns, fire, knives, I hate this


Jessica's nervousness brought out desperation... she grips her staff, taking a shaky breath.

Puppeteer raised his arm, making Jess go into panic mode.

She blasted a blue burning light at him, cutting most of his strings as he moved back.
"If it isn't the witch who killed one of my little puppets...." Puppeteer says.

"You know this guy?" Jake whispered to Jess, "I... think?" She shrugs.

"Hey man.... We just want my friend back!" Jake yelled up, "Preferably in one piece....".
The puppeteer couldn't help but laughed, it sounded like a genuine laugh. As if he found this amusing.

"Oh you poor little humans.... I don't intend to hurt this little one!" Puppeteer make a fake concern voice, "Although.... I can't say the same for the three of you...." He takes one hand and golden strings come from his fingertips.

David looks around, looking behind the puppeteer before looking back up.
Jake takes out his pocketknife, holding it up.

"What are you gonna do with that?" Jess asked, "It's so small!".
"I'll tell you what I'm gonna do! Survive!" Jake hissed.

Puppeteer pulled his strings and they started moving all over the place! Cutting them in the process.

Jake used his knife to cut on coming strings, but the lower ones were harder to cut.
Jessica seemed to have no trouble in dodging them!.... But she wasn't using her magic as much.....

That left David unprotected, Jake did his best to reach him and cut more strings.
Jake looked up to see Puppeteer floating up and examining (M/c).

"Crap!..." Jake turns away from David and runs to where (M/c) was hanging.
David runs the other direction, away from the strings. He jumps over to a stringless area but got a deep cut on his left arm in the process.

David looks around before moving his torn sleeve up a bit to hide the cut....

Jessica flies up into the air, raising her staff and swinging it down to create a large blue blast that burned all the strings (And leaving a burn mark on the ground).

Azure starts to tell Jess off, "Yeah I know, I'll clean up." Jess rolls her eyes. She looked down and smirked, "Oh this is gonna be better than I thought....".

Jake ran faster, strings weren't a problem now. He raises his knife to cut the strings that all tied up to (M/c).

A sudden string strikes Jake's back, blood sprays across the floor as Jake fell to the ground.
"Oh never mind." Jess hummed.

Jake stayed on the floor, looking up to see the Puppeteer look down at him. String from his index finger that striked him.

Puppeteer goes back to making proxy marks on (M/c), just as he had been instructed to do.
A bullet hits him, making him mess up with the cuts.

He turned around to see David with a reloaded gun, "Now!" David shouts. Puppeteer looked up to see Chris from a higher branch.

Chris shoots the Puppeteer's arm, it blew off of his body with a strong force. When he tried to regenerate, his body seemed to... reject it?
The bullets had been specially designed to kill a Creepypasta for good, downsides is that it takes too many just to kill one.

The Puppeteer connected his strings back to his hand and regenerates his arm, with all his energy, he created thousands of strings, impossible to dodge.

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