Chapter 13: Truth or Dare

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Warning: Swears, sickness, anxiety attack, mentions of child abandonment, mentions of bad parents, violent behavior.

Jake was running a fever.

All four of them managed to find a hotel to sleep in for the night.
Jake and Jess were still sleeping, David woke up and went to the food station for breakfast.

(M/c) also woke up to eat.

They sat down in front of David, the two plates were opposite to each other.
"Not hungry much?" (M/c) started eating.

"Not really." David slowly chewed his food.

"So.... Now that everyone is together.... What do you think happens next?" (M/c) asked.
"We take down Creepypasta's and when we are finished with our goals, we will go our separate ways." David replied.

"Have you met a Creepypasta before?" (M/c) asked.
"I have not...." David suddenly felt unsure.

"You've met plenty...." He looked up, (M/c) was mesmerized by his eyes.
"You know, I've never met someone with heterocromia before." (M/c) smiled.

"We are getting off topic." David sighed.

"Oh! But! I remember something from my past! You know I have amnesia, right?" (M/c) asked.
"I recall." David says.

"Well, I remember what my Mom looks like!" (M/c) smiled, they felt so happy! But.... Sad at the same time...

Does this mean that.... They were really abandoned? They always joked about how their parents left them behind like nothing....
But they didn't want it to be true!

Who would abandon you?

"What were your parents like?" (M/c) asked.

David thinks for a moment.... 'I suppose I should play along, gaining their trust would be beneficial....' He thinks.

"They were..... smart... and hardworking... and...." He recalled a moment.
"Bad...." He says.

"Bad?" (M/c) questions.

"They.... They never gave... me... the attention I deserved.... Not even when I was sick.... Someone else did that." David sighed.

"They weren't bad people.... But they were bad parents."

(M/c) never thought about that.
The Foster couple never let their child on tv before, mostly because he was ill....

"It must've been hard.... I'm glad you're well now!" (M/c) sympathized.

David gets up and throws his plate away.
"Not yet...." He muttered.

(M/c) watches David go back to the room.

"More tea dearest?" The goat man offered, "Isn't this an all you can eat? I thought you got the food yourself." (M/c) raised a brow.

"Oh! But we are so grateful for the hunters! Please let us serve you!" The man begged.

A loud crash came from the kitchen and Jess's signature evil laugh was enough for (M/c) to grab their plate and run.

Looks like we got another foodie.


"Okay! I feel better after a good meal!" (M/c) went outside and stretched.

'I'll have to thank the owners for letting us in for free.... David didn't have enough money for all of us... they even gave us clothes and offered to clean our suits!' (M/c) smiled.

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