Chapter 19: Blood related

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Warning: swearing, I don't know a lot about medical stuff so this is probably not medically accurate, mentions if shooting, mentions of child abandonment.


"I think we can all agree when I say that you are the most reckless person in the town!" Jake crossed his arms as he watched (M/c) exited the car.

"I'm glad to see you too Jake." They sighed, they felt exhausted despite sleeping for a few hours earlier.

(M/c)'s itch got worse and worse, despite Emory telling them it was okay and that this was supposed to happen.

'It feels like something is under my skin...' They itched their hands.

"Why are you at the hospital? I thought you didn't like going to your Dads work." (M/c) spoke with Jake while Chris went in to talk to the man at the front desk.

"Nora said you needed serious medical attention, I thought you got stabbed or something." Jake said with an annoyed tone.

"Well damn, I'm sorry." (M/c) and Jake went inside the hospital.

"So what happened?" Jake and (M/c) sat down in the waiting area, which wasn't very full....

There was always a ton of people in the hospital...

"Well... I met with Splendorman and Trenderman for a meeting." (M/c) whispers.

"The two guys you said I'd meet but I never did?" Jake copied their whispers.

"Exactly." (M/c) replies, "But something interesting happened....".
"I was attacked by this girl, she looked like a demon a first but then she turned into a little girl?"

Jake raised a brow, "She turned into a little girl?", "sounds like the start of a bad anime."

"I know right?" (M/c) sighed, "And then Jordon Trace got shot, his bullet looked just like a hunters bullet..."

"Damn, he's like... Swollen..." Jake says.

"That's not the point Jake.... I'm worried that there's a traitor in the hunter organization..." (M/c) says.
"So.... Have you told Chris?" Jake asked.

"Not yet, I want to bring it up at a good time." (M/c) said.

"I don't blame you... Chris could be a traitor if you think about it." Jake shrugs, (M/c) paused.

Jake and (M/c) both looked at each other, thinking the same thing....
'What if Chris is the traitor?'

"Unless I'm thinking too far about this and a Creepypasta took Mr. Jordons gun to shoot at him..." (M/c) quickly shushes Jake as Chris walks over.

"Let's go." He says.

(M/c) gets up with Jake at the same time, both sharing some looks to each other.

"(M/c)! Jake, we talked about walking around the hospital." Dr. Nell says sternly.
"What? It's not like anyone cares these days!" Jake laughs.

Dr. Nell sighed and shakes his head, "You know the drill, get changed and I'll come back in a moment." He ushered Chris and Jake out of the room, leaving (M/c) alone.

Ugh, I hate doctors...

"It'll only take about an hour." (M/c) quickly gets dressed into the hospital gown.

They waited until Dr. Nell came in, time for the check up....


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