Chapter 14: Staffs and Law

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Warning: swears, mentions of guns, mentions of drugs, blood, sickness, mentions of death, mentions of murder, breaking and entering.

"Where's the key?" (M/c) asked, all of them made it to the gate with no casualties.

"The fuck you mean 'where's the key'???? It's your key!" Jake yelled.

(M/c) laughed, "Just kidding!" They take the key out and insert it into the keyhole.

You know.... You're kinda mean.

The gate glowed a bright light and turned into a portal.
"Are you coming with us? You can see the human world!" (M/c) turned to Jess.

"Nah, I have to get back to my tribe." She got on her staff, "Don't forget I'm a hunter too now!" She flew off without another word.

"Since when did she become a hunter?" Jake questions.

"It doesn't matter, let's get you all home." David goes through the portal, with (M/c) and Jake fallowing close behind.

"That felt weird." (M/c) stepped back into the human world.
"We should get to Chris first and make sure he hasn't reported us as missing."

Jake slapped his face, "Shit! My Dads gonna freak out!"

"You just now realized that?" (M/c) questions, "Also, can you see now? Your hand is starting to sweat." They let go.

"I've kinda been through a lot." Jake groans.

It was a strange feeling, going back to a place more familiar.
But luckily they weren't approached by anyone, so they weren't really worried that they were reported missing....

Unless they were and no one cared.....

(M/c) unlocks their door and opens it, taking a step in.

"Hello? I'm alive!" They called.....

"Chris? Are you home?" (M/c) goes upstairs, David and Jake enter the house, observing the mess.

"Gunshots? But no blood...." Jake looks at the walls.
"There's dirt on the floor, I can still see the shoe marks..." David kneeled down to the floor.

"And it smells like cigarettes...." Jake smelled the air, "Oh you gotta be fucking kidding...." He recognized that shitty smell

"Nicotine??? God, at that point just rip out your lungs, it's bound to be more healthy." Jake calls (M/c) back down.

"Officer Fuckface was here!" He yelled up.
(M/c) goes back downstairs, "Did he get arrested or something?"

"Officer Keith? Wouldn't be surprised..." Jake crossed his arms, "Not him, Chris!" (M/c) sighed.

"I think we should head to the police station.... After we change into something less.... Noticeable...." (M/c) tugged on the collar of their uniform.


"Where's Chris?!" (M/c) barged into the police station.

"Oh no." One of the officers said upon seeing us, "For disobeying the law." Officer Keith had a cigarette in his mouth.

"What law?" Jake questions.

"That's none of your business." Keith said back.

"It actually kinda is! Considering how he's my brother and kinda the only adult taking care of me!" (M/c) says, "Isn't he above you? This is just gonna bite back at you, depending on the crime he committed."

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