Friendly-lover feelings

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All were in the dining room. Rohit Bhai will never spare anyone without having food. So Ishan and Shubman had to come downstairs unwillingly. They had a match the day after tomorrow. Ishan should be concentrated and only be thinking about that. But instead, he feels his mind roam to the scene of last night, when he saw Shubman just in his shorts. That well built body, the silhouette of his six pack abs, the few droplets water running on his packs and Shubman smiling at him with his famous dimple smile.

Oh god, no no. Why am I thinking about all these? We are friends. Normal friends. Friends don't think about each other like this, do they?

Ishan repeated in his mind that he is just friends with Shubman and if more, then best friends. They are nothing except and exceeding that. What kind of corpse has possessed Ishan that he is suddenly thinking so romantically about his best friend? If he comes to know Shubman will be disgusted, and maybe he'll refuse to be Ishan's best friend any further.

"Oyyy, Ishan, in whose thoughts are you lost so much?"

Siraj asked while giving Ishan a flirtious smile. Ishan shakes his head as if to deny Siraj's words.

"I'm just thinking about the upcoming match."

Okay, Ishan did felt that it was a very lame excuse to say.

"Well tried to lie Ishu. C'mon spill the tea. Is there a girl?"

Ishan again shook his head, but this time in disbelief.

"No there's no one."

"C'mon." Siraj whined and elbowed Ishan in the side. Ishan just made a 'so done' face at him and looked at Shubman. He heard Siraj blabbering.

"Ishu don't think me I'm stupid. That smile on your face was enough to let me know-"

Ishan didn't hear further. He lost it when Shubman looked at him and gave a toothy grin. He wanted to capture that smile, forever. That smile should just be his and no one else. He saw how Shubman went back to talking with Shreyas. He could look at him talking forever. It might be more good, if he'd be the one listening.

Ishan's eyes grew a bit wide when he saw Shreyas leaning over Shubman and inhaling his scent.

"Woah Shub, what kind of deodrant do you use? It smells so nice."

Ishan didn't knew when his mind turned blank. He wanted nothing but to drag Shreyas away from Shubman though he knew that they were not up to anything.

Ishan slammed the fork down, "yeah answer him. Why don't you lean a bit forward to do that like him?"

Okay, that wasn't what Ishan was really expecting to spit out from his mouth. Once he realized what he said, his brain was near to getting burst. He wanted to run, but that'd be so much suspicious and so much 'not him'.

Siraj continued when he saw the shocked faces of everyone,

"Chill guys, it's just girl effect."

He winked at everyone and everyone went 'oooohhhh'. Ishan glared at Siraj who didn't even spare a glance. But he never expected Shubman to speak up,

"There is no girl with him."

Ishan wanted to break his nose. Why would he say these kind of things? Maybe he's his best friend, but that doesn't mean he can be always to confident about Ishan's love life.

"Maybe there is, how do you know that there isn't any?"

Ishan snapped at Shubman, who's eyes darkened as he spoke with a controlled voice,

"Uh-huh, who is that?"

"I don't intend to say it."

Ishan said and stood up ready to leave the dining area. He ignored all the smirks and teasing the guys were giving him. 

That night, Ishan didn't sleep well. He wanted to talk to Shubman, make things right, but first of all, he had to convince himself that there was nothing to be attracted to Shubman about. If he can't stop this thing towards Shubman, maybe he'll lose his friendship with him. And then, he was worried about what might Shubman think about the girl he said. He has no one in his life, why did he lie???


A short ones. Hope you liked it.

I am so freaking addicted to writing this story that I'm updating 2 chapters in one day. I've to slow it down. Or else, my studies are telling my bye bye.

Love wins in the end (Shubman gill x Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now