Jealousy at its peak

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Ishan was absolutely not liking what he was seeing. Shubman, his hand around Sara's waist, Sara's one hand on Shubman's shoulder and the other hand of them was locked as they moved in rhythm with their feet, slowly. It was so slow that someone would doubt if they were dating or not. Ishan scrunched his nose in that thought. Ew.

For a second of the moment, Shubman spared a glance at him, Ishan quickly tried to look away, not wanting to be caught staring, but he had been caught by Shubman. A sly smirk played on Shubman's lips, which went unnoticed by Ishan as he was sitting a little far away from the dance floor. But he noticed, how Shubman tried to pull Sara's waist and decrease their proximity.

Ishan felt as his heart was tearing apart. It pained right at his chest. So much. He desired to be in that position for ages. His eyes are burning as he sees someone stealing all that he dreamed of.

"Hey man, are you okay?"

Mayank's voice echoed in Ishan's ear as he tried to let go of the fact of Shubman.

"Yes, I'm fine, just a bit tired."

Ishan says looking at Mayank and sunk back at his chair. But his eyes again founded the way to the dance floor and stopped at Shubman.

"Why don't you try some drinks? That must ease you."

They were sitting at the bar so it was not a bad idea. Ishan nodded as Mayank ordered two drinks for them.


"Would you like to have a drink and take a few minutes of break?"

Shubman asked Sara, his smirk never left his lips.

"Are you tired, already?"

Sara laughed.

"Not tired, but yeah, a little bit of sitting and drinks would charge me up."

Sara nodded.

"Okay then, let's have a drink."

With that they both made their way near the bar as Shubman made sure that he was sitting just beside Ishan.


Ishan quickly back faced the whole of the party and faced the bar once he noticed Shubman and Sara coming this way. He didn't want to listen to their conversation, but If you're sitting beside any person, their conversation just enters your ear and for Ishan a part of him also wanted to listen.

"Two scotch please."

He heard Shubman said.

"Hey Shub, can I have your number?"

Ishan closes his eyes and gulps down his own drink in one go. Who the heck is she to call Shubman Shub? It would be okay if it was the teammates but her? HER?

"With pleasure."

Ishan choked on nothing but his own drink. How can he? Someone would randomly ask his number and he'd just give? Is that what that's needed to be done?

With that Ishan listened how Shubman declared his number to her and she giggled sometimes in between that was just making Ishan to want rip her throat apart.

"Is this your WhatsApp number too?"

"This is my WhatsApp number."

"Oh okay. So tell me, are you single at this moment?"

"Yea like-"

Shubman was cutted off by the abrupt standing up of Ishan and turning to them,

"Yes he is single. Totally. You understand? TOTALLY. You can take him if you want to. He was looking forward to dating someone, I think you guys would make a perfect couple."

Ishan bursted out. His voice lacing with anger, sadness and every word he threw was containing poison it seemed. He looked at Shubman for a moment before raising his middle finger at him.

"Fuck you."

With that he left the area leaving everyone stunned, Shubman, Sara and even Mayank...

Ooh it is totally burnt. My cute choco pie. This jealousy his hitting different points of temperature🌡️🤒

Love wins in the end (Shubman gill x Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now