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"I'd like to remain a mystery"

- unknown

Nina's POV

"Mio dolce ragazzo" Carla spoke out as soon as she walked through the door, wrapping her arms around Luca who was quick to embrace her back.

"Ciao mamma" Luca replied.

I then felt Angelo wrap his arms around me, "Do you understand what they're saying?" He whispered against my ear, feeling shivers course through my body from how close he was.

"I understood what Luca said... but I don't know the Italian language that well. I find it hard to remember" I breathed out as he hummed in response before telling me she said, 'my sweet boy.'

Not wanting Carla to see us like this, I tried moving to create distance between us but he wasn't having it. "I guess we'll have to work on that, I got a few ways in mind to help you remember" He teased, I could tell he was smiling from the tone of his voice.

Before I could say anything, Carla had made her way towards us. "Let the poor girl breathe Angelo! How are you doing sweetheart?" She then asked me as Angelo pouted, reluctantly moving away. I found myself laughing at how sad he looked, acting like a child as always.

I was glad that Carla came here, the tension seemed to vanquish as soon as she walked through the door. Both Angelo and Luca looked more relaxed.

I couldn't help but think about my own family issues... my mom. I was glad that she finally agreed to getting the help that she needs, but I'm not sure if I should go see her. Would our relationship even change? What if it's too early?

"I'm doing good" I smiled, but from the look on her face I would say that she doesn't believe me. She stared at me for a while before clapping her hands together.

"Boys, leave Nina and I alone for a few minutes please" She then stated, smiling at me before giving the two a knowing look.

"Is something wrong-" Luca began.

"Upstairs now, and I better not catch either one of you eavesdropping or there will be consequences" She interrupted, pointing towards the stairs. It didn't take long for the two to get the hint that they weren't needed, soon walking out the room.

After a few moments, we heard the sound of a door closing and Carla led me to sit down on the couch.

"How are you really doing Nina?" She asked me after taking a seat on the couch across from me, crossing her legs. It was kind of scary that she could read me so easily.

"If you don't feel comfortable to have this conversation with me then I won't pressure you. I just want you to know that I'm here for you" She added with a look of sincere on her face.

I clamped my hands together before speaking, "I... I honestly don't know" I muttered out, watching as she nodded her head.

"That's understandable. Considering all the things you've witnessed and been through the past few months... I also heard about your mother" She replied, a sad smile now written on her lips.

"Yes... I heard from my dad that she's doing better" I replied.

She nodded her head as she listened, "I see, that's good to hear"

"I've been meaning to talk to you for quite some time now. I wanted to know how you felt with all of this- I mean all of the things both of my boys do. I was once in your shoes when Sandro and I were together and didn't know if it was something I could handle, I'm only curious" She added.

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