Chapter 12

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"It was amazing! Thank you!" Caithlyn squealed happily before she threw her arms around Owen's neck.

At first he seemed a bit shocked, but then he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him, sharing the moment with her.

"That was so much fun." She said smiling widely as she slowly pulled away from him.

"Good job Caithlyn." Barry said behind them, in his thick accent, on his way to give Caithlyn a hug.

Owen and Barry did another training with the raptors, and Caithlyn was just watching and taking notes this time.

"Caithlyn! Wait!" Owen yelled running towards her, as she was on her way to her car, making her stop and turn around to face him.

"You did really good today." He said almost nervously.

"Thank you. I had so much fun." She said smiling.

"Do you want to..." Owen started, but before he could continue Caithlyn's phone started buzzing in her pocket.

She quickly reached for her phone and looked at the screen. It was the lab calling.

"Hello?" She said  as she picked up the phone.

"The eggs are about to hatch." Someone said on the other end.

-"Okay. I'll get there as fast as I can." She said looking up at Owen who just looked questioningly at her.

"The eggs?" Owen asked, as she put her phone away.

"Yeah. I have to get there now." Caithlyn said nerveously, before she hurried off towards her car.

"I'll come with you." Owen said before he walked to the driver's seat.

Caithlyn smiled thankfully at him and jumped into the car with him.

Owen got them there fast. He knew all the roads better than Caithlyn.

They stormed into the lab and hurried down to the hatchery.

As they finally reached the eggs, there was already small cracks in the shell.

Caithlyn looked over at Owen, who looked just as excited as she did.

Finally one of the eggs cracked open.
It was the Brachiosaurus egg.

Caithlyn smiled widely over at Owen before she helped the small Brachiosaurus out of its shell.

"Hey there baby girl." She said softly as she did so.

Then the Triceratops and the Parasaurolophus hatched.
Owen stepped even closer to Caithlyn and helped the Parasaurolophus while she helped the Triceratops.

Caithlyn couldn't help but smile, as she watched him help the dinosaur baby. He was so gentle and careful.

Owen and Caithlyn took care of the babies for a few hours. It was already late in the night.

The time passed so quickly, when they were together. The scientists left so they were all alone at the hatchery.

They grabbed a blanket and sat down with the babies between them. They were surprisingly small, compared to the adults, which surprised Caithlyn.

The dinosaurs were sleeping quietly, curled up next to each other.

Caithlyn was finally able to remove her eyes from the babies and smiled thankfully at Owen.

"You should go home and get some sleep, I'll manage." She said smiling, looking over at him, feeling really tired herself.

"No, I'll stay." He said smiling softly.

Caithlyn nodded and looked down at the dinosaurs and smiled to herself.
They were so cute and she felt so happy that she could share such a special moment with someone.

"Thanks for being here." She said smiling at Owen, making him smile back at her.

Caithlyn yawned and stretched her body. She felt so tired and sore from sitting against the wall.

"Come here." Owen offered, lifting his arm like he was inviting hef to sit closer to him.

Caithlyn moved a bit closer to him and rested her head against his chest, as he placed his arm around her shoulders.

It felt really comfortable being so close to him and she only took one last look at the babies before she drifted off to sleep.

Prehistoric Love (Jurassic World Fanfiction ⇝ 1st Book) Where stories live. Discover now