Chapter 46

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Caithlyn rested her head on Owen's chest, just staring at the ring on her finger. Owen gently stroke her hair, holding her close.

Caithlyn could almost hear him smile, as she snuggled even closer to. Him.

"Are you okay?" He asked placing a soft kiss on her head, knowing that it had been a long and exciting day.

"I'm better than okay." She chuckled, feeling ecstatic.

"Did you talk with Simon?" She suddenly asked curiously.

"No. Why?" Owen asked.

She slowly untangled herself from him and walked into the kitchen, where she had left the letter from Simon.

She walked back to Owen's side of bed and handed him the letter.

"They're giving us a house." She said as she walked to the other side of bed.

Owen looked shocked at her before he read the letter.

"What's wrong with the bungalow?" He said a bit offended.

"Nothing. But we'll need more space soon." She said as she snuggled up next to him again.

"We could have build a house on our own." He protested.

"I know. But now we don't have to worry about anything.
And that gives us time, for things that are a lot more fun." Caithlyn said smirking, before she started to kiss down his neck making Owen laugh.

"Maybe we should go and take a look around the park today?" Owen suggested, as they were cuddling in the bed the next morning.

"Yeah. Sounds fun. I haven't seen the whole park yet." Caithlyn admitted with a smile. She had been to busy.

About an hour later, they arrived at the main part of the park and went to see the Mosasaurus show.

They were on the way to the Ben and Jerry's shop, to get icecream as Caithlyn suddenly heard silent crying making her stop and listen.

"What's wrong, babe?" Owen asked confused, as she slowly let go of his hand and pushed herself through the crowd towards the noise. The park was packed with people.

Owen quickly followed her and grabbed her hand again.

They both turned around a corner and saw a little boy, standing all alone, crying.

"Hey buddy." Owen said cheerfully as he kneeled in front of the boy, after they hurried to him.

She walked up next to Owen and kneeled down too.

"Where's your parents?" Caithlyn asked softly, gently taking a hold of his little hand.
He was probably about 4 or 5 years old.

"I can't find them." He sobbed, looking down to the ground. It almost broke her heart.

"We're going to find your parents, okay?" She said smiling reassuringly at him.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Michael." He sobbed.

"You know what? Let's go and get an icecream and then we'll find your parents, okay?" Owen said smiling at the boy.

Michael nodded and dried his eyes.

"Come here." Owen said before he grabbed the boy.

Caithlyn could swear, that she felt her heart stop beating for a second when she saw Owen holding the boy in his arms.

"So, which icecream do you want?" Owen said full of energy, trying to cheer the little boy up.

Caithlyn couldn't help but smile, as the face of the boy lighted up.

She had no idea, that Owen were that good with kids. He was great around the raptors, but it's not quite the same. Or at least she thought.

Michael quickly felt comfortable and safe around Owen. He wrapped his small arms around Owen's neck and rested his head on his shoulder, as the three of them walked to the icecream shop.

Owen and Michael found a seat outside, while Caithlyn went and ordered three icecreams.

Michael sat on Owen's lap and they were talking and having fun as she returned.

It was just the cutest thing ever.

After they ate their ice cream, they went to the information center, to make them search for Michaels parents.

They sat down and waited with Michael, on one of the benches inside the center.

He was exhausted and fell asleep resting his head on Owen's shoulder.

Caithlyn carefully pushed a strand of hair out of his face.

"I didn't know, you were so good with kids." She said quietly smiling at Owen.

Owen just smiled back at her. Just in that second a young pair hurried towards them. "Michael." The woman said frantically, with tears in her eyes.

"Hey buddy. Your parents are here." Owen said softly, waking Michael up.

Michael quickly got down from Owen's lap and sprinted towards his parents.

Caithlyn took a gentle hold of Owen's hand and squeezed it lightly, as they watched the reunited family. Michael happily walked towards them, holding his parents hands.

"Thank you." His mother said before she gratefully hugged them both.
The father shook their hands and thanked them.

Michael stepped forward towards Owen and Caithlyn.

"Thank you." He said smiling happily, in his sweet voice, before Owen kneeled down.

"You're welcome, buddy." He said just before Michael wrapped his arms around his neck in a tight hug.

Prehistoric Love (Jurassic World Fanfiction ⇝ 1st Book) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon