Chapter 15

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Caithlyn spend the whole afternoon and some of the evening with the babies. She was sitting on the floor with them on a blanket.

They were sleeping again as Owen suddenly walked in.

"Hey." She said surprised, as she noticed him.

He slowly and carefully sat down beside her, careful not to wake the dinosaurs. He carried a plastic bag with him.

"I brought you something to eat." He said as he gave Caithlyn the plastic bag.

"Wow. I totally forgot about getting something to eat. Thank you." She said, smiling thankfully at him.

"Yeah. I thought so." Owen chuckled.

"So, how are they doing?" Owen asked, looking down at the sleeping dinosaurs, while Caithlyn started to eat the sandwich he brought for her.

"They are doing good. They seemed happy, when they saw me." She answered, chewing hungrily on a bite.

Owen chuckled. "Mommy dinosaur." He said teasingly, making Caithlyn chuckle too.

They talked for a couple of hours while the babies were sleeping.

"Do you want to go for a swim?" Caithlyn asked him, needing to get out and do something else.

"Sure." He responded smiling.

They put the babies back and went to their vehicles.

"I'll meet you at you place in half an hour." Caithlyn said to Owen before she got into her car and drove off to her apartment to get a bathing suit.

She quickly packed some clothes and changed into her bikini and pulled on a top, shorts and sandals before she drove off to meet Owen at his place.

Owen was waiting outside drinking a beer, as she pulled up next to his trailer.

"Hey." She greeted as she jumped out of her car and walked to him.

"Hey. Do you want a beer?" He asked smiling, happy to see her.

"Do you have anything stronger than beer?" She suggested smirking.

Owen smirked and got up. "I have tequila?"

"That will do." Caithlyn said smiling, as she sat down across the table.

Owen laughed and walked into the trailer and came out with a bottle of tequila and two shot glasses.

"Cheers." Owen said smirking as he raised his glass, after pouring a shot to each of them.

They did a couple of shots while talking, getting them both a bit tipsy.

"Let's get into the water." Caithlyn suggested as she finished another shot and stood up.

She quickly stripped down, wiggling her hips as she pulled off her top, making Owen chuckle, before she hurried off into the water and started to splash around.

Soon after Owen walked up behind her in the water.

"I think someone got a little too much tequila." He whispered as he stepped up right behind her. It sounded like he got too much himself.

"I think I got just enough." She chuckled, still with her back to him feeling his hot breath on her neck.

She felt him getting closer and closer. His lips were almost trailing along her neck, as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

She slowly turned around in his arms and looked up at him. She felt almost paralyzed by his deep green eyes, as he gently touched her cheek, making her whole body shiver. He slowly leaned down and placed his soft lips on hers, sending another shiver through her body.

At first the kiss was sweet and delicate, but it quickly got hotter and deeper. His large hands were placed on her back, keeping her steady.

A few moments later she came back to her senses and pulled away, making Owen look confused at her.

"I'm sorry. I can't." She said before she stormed off.

Prehistoric Love (Jurassic World Fanfiction ⇝ 1st Book) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu