Chapter 26

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A couple of hours later Caithlyn was preparing breakfast while Owen took a shower.

She made scrambled eggs and toast, because she didn't have much in the fridge. So it was good that they were heading to the mainland later.

"Smells good." Owen said as he walked up behind her and wrapped his strong arms around her waist.

"Thank you." She chuckled before she placed a soft kiss on his lips.

They sat down and ate breakfast together and watched the park through the huge windows.

"When are the next ferry sailing?" Caithlyn asked.
"At 11." Owen said, chewing on some scrambled eggs.

"Okay. I'll get dressed and then I'll call Barry, to see if he needs anything from the mainland." She said smiling, before she took another sip of her coffee and walked into the bedroom to find some clothes.

She grabbed a pair of denim shorts, a white tank top and a grey cardigan and got dressed leaving her with just enough time to straighten her long hair and fix her make up.

Owen came in and watched her from the bed as she did her hair.

"You should wear your hair down more often. It's sexy." Owen said smirking, making her laugh.

Caithlyn took her phone from the nightstand and sat down next to Owen who laid in bed, while she called Barry.

"Hello. " Barry answered questioningly on the other end.

"Hi Barry. Owen and I are going to the mainland. Do you need anything?" She asked, while scribbling down a list.

Owen stopped in front of the car and reached his hand out to her as they reached the ferry. She carefully placed her hand in his and entwined their fingers.

Her heart jumped in excitement. It all went so fast, and she almost couldn't follow up, but she couldn't be happier.

Shewas leaning against the railing just watching the water and the beautiful sky. It was so amazingly beautiful. Owen stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist, making her feel safe.

They arrived at the mainland, got the things they needed and went back to Isla Nublar.

They dropped some things off at Caithlyn's apartment before they went to Owen's place and then they finally went to the raptor area to deliver Barry's stuff. And to check on the raptors off course.

Barry had them muzzled up as they arrived and slowly made their way to the cage and walked in.

"Hey Barry." Caithlyn greeted happily before she walked up to Blue. She was her favorite after all.

Owen was talking with Barry, as one of the new interns walked up to her.

"You look good today." He flirted, immediately making Blue tense up.

"We should go out sometime." He tried with a smirk.

"No, we shouldn't." Caithlyn's said turning back to Blue, just making him step even closer to her.

Blue started to growl and tried to get free of her muzzle.

The intern quickly took a few steps backwards.

"Hey, easy girl. It's okay." Caithlyn said softly, taking a hold of her head, gently stroking her.

"What's going on?" Owen asked as he walked up to Caithlyn, as she shot a look at the intern.

"Shh." She whispered as she turned back to Blue, who still had an eye on the intern..

Caithlyn had the feeling that Blue was protecting her and she immediately calmed down as Owen walked up to Caithlyn.

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