Chapter 38

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Caithlyn's hands were shaking as she returned with the test.

Now they just had to wait.

It was the longest 5 minutes in her life, just sitting there, staring at the test.

Owen reached for her hand as he gave her a reassuring smile.

Finally the doctor took a look at the test, while Caitlyn almost stopped breathing and Owen's grip on her hand tightened.

"It's positive." The doctor said calmly, making Caitlyn look shocked at Owen, who probably were just as shocked as she was. He definitely looked like it.

Neither of them said anything for a moment.

"Let's do an ultrasound, just to be sure." The doctor suggested, gesturing Caitlyn to go to the gurney.

She nodded in silence before she got up and walked to the gurney and laid down. Owen was quickly by her side.

His expression was a bit less shocked now. He seemed nervous and excited at the same time, while he just kept staring at her belly.

"It's a bit cold." The doctor said before he put the gel on Caithlyn's belly.

"Okay. Let's have a look." The doctor said as he slowly started to move the wand around on her belly while all stared at the screen.

Caithlyn briefly looked up at Owen, who quickly noticed her eyes wandering from the screen to him. He smiled reassuringly at her as he squeezed her hand.

"There." The doctor said, pointing at the screen making them both turn their heads and stare at the screen in shock.

"You're about 8 weeks pregnant and so far everything looks fine." The doctor said smiling after a moment.

Caithlyn immediately felt the happiness overwhelm her as she looked over at Owen. He stood like he was frozen in place and Caithlyn could see tears in his eyes.

"Owen?" She asked softly.

"We're having a baby?!" Owen said, laughing happily, as he finally came back to his senses. He quickly leaned down and kissed Caithlyn happily.

"I said so." He said jokingly, making her laugh.

Caithlyn6slowly turned to the doctor.

"How is that possible? I was told that it would be pregnant naturally. " She asked confused.

"Sometimes it just takes a right match." He said smiling. He was probably right about that. Owen was definitely the love of her life.

"You can work as usual, just make sure to get plenty of rest and sleep. You should come back in 8 weeks." The doctor added.

Owen was all excited as they drove home, while many thoughts went through Caithlyn's mind. How could you raise a child, on an island full of dangerous dinosaurs?

Owen pulled up next to the trailer and quickly got to her side of the car.

She had just got out of the car as Owen cupped her face between his hands and kissed her passionately.

"We're having a baby." He whispered happily, with his forehead resting on hers.

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