Chapter 22

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Caithlyn went to the bathroom and turned the water on before she stripped down and stepped in.

She let the hot water run down her body, letting all the worries and hidden emotions wash off.

Suddenly the door opened and Owen stepped in.

"Hey." She said surprised and a bit shocked.
Owen just smirked.
- "I thought I'd join you."

"Nice thought." Caithlyn teased, gently nipping his neck making him moan quietly.

After a quick shower, they both stepped out. Owen just wrapped a towel around his lower body and walked into the kitchen and continued preparing breakfast.

After wrapping a towel around her long hair and getting dressed, Caithlyn joined Owen in the kitchen to eat breakfast.

He was actually a pretty good cook.

"It's good." She complimented with a smile.
Owen smiled thankfully back at her.

Caithlyn was braiding her hair as Owen walked out from the bedroom after getting dressed.

He smiled happily as his eyes fell on her.
"What?" She asked curiously, as she felt him stare.

"Nothing." He said still smiling.

"No. Serious. What is it?" She said smiling as she finished the braid.

Owen just walked up to her and pulled her into a kiss.

"Are you ready to go?" Owen asked smirking, as he pulled away.

"Yeah, I'll just grab my bag and then I'm ready." She answered smiling.

She actually felt quite nervous. She was nervous about working with Owen, after they had spend the night together.

They talked a bit on their drive to the raptor area.

Owen smiled at her before he jumped out of the car, before he walked off towards his office. Caithlyn felt her heart sink, not knowing how to handle everything that had happened.

Caithlyn walked into the cage next to the raptor paddock and called out for Blue.

A few moments later she walked out from the trees and walked up to Caithlyn by the fence.

Blue stopped right in front of her and pushed her nose against the bars, as she had done the night before.

"There you are." Caithlyn said softly as she gently stroke Blue's nose. She sniffled quietly against her hand.

"Owen got competition, I see." Barry said laughing behind them, making Caithlyn chuckle.

"She's amazing." Caithlyn said studying Blue's features, gently touching the side of her head.

"You should be more careful around them." Owen said sternly from the gate.

"She won't hurt me." Caithlyn said still stroking the side of her head.
Suddenly the three other raptors showed up. They were studying the three of them, with their heads tilted to the side.

Caithlyn just kept stroking Blue's head as Delta and Echo slowly walked closer.
Owen walked protectively up beside her as she started to pet Echo and Delta.

"They won't hurt me." Caithlyn said, smiling to herself, enjoying Owen being so protective of her.

"You can't be sure." Owen said placing his hand on her hip.

"I'll keep my hand on this side of the bars, satisfied?" Caithlyn asked smirking.

"Yeah." Owen answered before he placed a kiss on her forehead and walked off.

Caithlyn immediately felt her cheeks blush. Barry stood right next to them and petted Delta and she could see that he was smirking.

"Let's get to work." Owen said from the gate, smiling happily.
Caithlyn said goodbye to the raptors and walked off together with Barry.

"I see you two have been talking." Barry said smirking, as they walked off after Owen.

"I wouldn't call it talking." Caithlyn answered with a smirk, making Barry laugh.

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