Chapter 85

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Owen took the clothes and toys to the nursery.

He returned and started to set the table.

"Owen? I need to ask you something." I said as I turned my back to the stove and looked at him.

He placed the last knife and looked at me curiously.

"Karen just texted me that the boys wants to visit us, this weekend. They're having a hard time, because of the divorce and.." I started but was interrupted by Owen walking up to me.

"Of course. They can stay here, as long as they want." Owen said before he placed a soft kiss on my lips.

I smiled thankfully at him.

"You should take some time off anyway." He said as he walked back to the table.

I chuckled and shook my head. He just couldn't stop worrying about me.

After we ate dinner, I called Karen and got everything set up, so the boys could visit us. She took them out of school, for a couple of extra days, so they would be staying for 10 days.

It was finally Friday. I went straight home after work, to get everything ready for the boys. Owen would go the airport and pick them up after he was done at work.

I couldn't wait to see them again. I got their rooms ready for their arrival, and hopefully they would feel comfortable here with us.

I wanted to do something special for them and I felt like I had to keep myself busy, so I made dough for pancakes and just waited for a text from Owen.

I was doing laundry as I finally got a text from Owen, that he had picked the boys up at the airport. They would be home in 30 minutes. I quickly texted Karen, to let her know that they had arrived safely at the airport, before I went to the kitchen and started to make the pancakes.

Suddenly I heard the frontdoor open.

I quickly turned the stove off and hurried into the hall to greet the boys.

I could hear Owen and Gray talking eagerly about dinosaurs as they walked in.

"Hi guys." I said happily as I walked in, interrupting their conversation.

Gray sprinted off towards me before he embraced me in a hug. I couldn't help but chuckle. "You've gotten big!" Gray exclaimed. "I can't reach around you anymore."

His comment made us all laugh. I gently stroke his hair before I walked to Zach. He looked tired.
"It's so good to see you again." I said smiling before I pulled him in for a hug.

"Thanks for letting us stay here." Gray said as I let go of Zach.

"We're just happy, you're here." Owen said smiling at him, as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Come on. Just let your bags stay here in the hall. We can bring them to your rooms later.
I made pancakes for you, and I don't want them to get cold." I said smiling, before I led the boys into the kitchen.

Prehistoric Love (Jurassic World Fanfiction ⇝ 1st Book) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt