Chapter 30

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Caithlyn waited impatiently for the gate to open before she almost stormed into the cage.

"Caithlyn, no!" Owen shouted behind her.
The other raptors weren't near, as she slowly and carefully walked up to Charlie.

"Caithlyn, get out of there!" Owen yelled from the gate, while she heard the security guards loading their guns.

"Do not shoot! No matter what happens, do not shoot!" She yelled at them.

"I got it." She yelled, mostly to Owen.

Charlie tried to wriggle out of the wire as she walked up to her.

"Easy girl. I'm here to help you.
Just stay calm." She said softly, trying to calm her down.

Caithlyn quickly began to help her out of the wire. The other raptors noticed the fuss and came closer.

She finally got Charlie free from the wire and slowly walked backwards away from her with her heart racing rapidly. Charlie seemed stressed out and she was unpredictable.

Charlie followed her every step as she slowly stepped away from her. She wasn't sure, what she was going to do.

"Charlie, stand down!" Caithlyn commanded.
Her eyes narrowed and she looked ready to jump, as Caithlyn was only a few steps away from the gate.

"Charlie, stand down!" She repeated, but in the same second she jumped after her.

A million thoughts went through her mind as she tried to prepare herself for the unbearable pain.

Caithlyn hit the hard ground with a loud thud but nothing else happened, Bedford someone grabbed her by her shoulders dragging her out of the cage.

She slowly sat up and looked confused around. Owen was the one who had had dragged her out.
"Are you okay?" He asked concerned as she looked at him, with shock plastered all across her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered.

"What happened? Charlie was coming for me." I asked confused.

Owen sighed. "Blue jumped in between, pushing Charlie away from you." He explained.

She looked confused into the paddock. Blue was watching her intensely with her head tilted slightly to the side.

"Let's go home." Owen said before he helped her up.

They drove back to Owen's place in awkward silence.

Caithlyn quietly walked into the trailer and poured herself a glass of water.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Owen yelled angrily at her as he walked in, having build a lot of anger.

"She was going to hurt herself on that wire!" Caithlyn tried to defend her decision.

"The security will report the incident to Claire and then they'll put her down!" Owen continued clearly angry with her.

"I'll talk with Claire tomorrow, she was just stressed out from the fireworks. I'll explain everything." She said.

Owen let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Caithlyn sighed, before she turned back to the sink. It was their first fight and she just wanted it to end.

"You could have been killed!" Owen yelled frustrated, grabbing her wrist, forcing her to look at him.

They just stared at eatch other for a moment. He looked angry, scared and full of love at the same time.

Suddenly he grabbed a hold of her neck before he crashed his lips onto hers.

The kiss got deeper and more desperate, as they let all their emotions slip out into the kiss.

Caithlyn quickly unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders, revealing his muscular and toned torso.

Owen quickly grabbed her and lifted her up on the kitchen counter still kissing her with force.

Prehistoric Love (Jurassic World Fanfiction ⇝ 1st Book) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें