Chapter 13

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Caithlyn woke up a couple of hours later, still with her head resting on Owen's chest.

He was sleeping peacefully. So were the babies.

She carefully shifted a bit, trying not to wake him up. But he did anyway.

"Hey." She said softly as he looked down at her.

"Hey." He responded just as soft.

"We should probably get home and get some proper sleep." Caithlyn suggested, smiling up at him.

- "Yeah." Owen said, looking down at her.

Their eyes locked for a moment, before Owen slowly leaned down. Their faces were only a few inches from each other. Caithlyn felt hypnotized by his deep green eyes.
She felt so drawn to his lips.

Suddenly the babies started to move around, bringing them both back to their senses.
She felt her cheeks blush and her heart race, as she looked down, avoiding his eyes.

They both cleared their throat and got up and carried the babies back.

"I'll see you later." She whispered softly to the dinosaurs before she walked to Owen, who waited for her a few meters away.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked smiling.

"Yeah. It's just hard to leave them." Caithlyn admitted, giving him a crooked smile.

"I know. But you have to get some proper sleep." He said softly, before she nodded in agreement.

"Come one. I'll drive you back to your apartment." Owen offered.

Caithlyn was so tired, that she just nodded and followed him to her car.

Owen followed her all the way to her apartment door, after driving her back.
She quickly unlocked the door and turned around to face Owen.

"Thanks for staying with me and thanks for driving me home." She said smiling thankfully at him.

Owen nodded and smiled.
"See you tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 8. Is that okay?" Owen asked.

Caithlyn just nodded in response before she spoke.

"See you tomorrow." She said smiling softly.

Owen smiled at her before he walked off.

Caithlyn took a deep breath, trying to gather some courage.

"Owen?" She called out questioningly after him.

He turned around and looked questioningly at her, waiting for her to speak again.

"Would you like to have breakfast with me tomorrow? I'll cook." Caithlyn asked nervously.

Owen looked a bit surprised at her.
"As a thanks for everything." She quickly added smiling at him.

"You cook?" Owen asked teasingly, making her chuckle.

- "Of course I do." She smiled.

"I can't pass up a chance like that.
I'll have breakfast with you tomorrow." Owen said smirking.

Caithlyn smiled and nodded happily.
"Around 7.30?" She suggested.

"Sounds good. See you tomorrow." Owen said before he walked off again.

Caithlyn smiled to herself as she closed the door. She felt so happy and comfortable around him, but she was falling way too deep for him.

She quickly undressed and got into bed, thinking about how she should handle the situation with Owen.

She got about 3,5hours of sleep before she had to get out of bed. After a quick shower, she went into the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for her and Owen.

She made some scrambled eggs, toast and started to cut out some fruit before there was suddenly a knock on the door. She quickly placed the knife on the table and hurried to the door.

"Hey. Come inside." She said smiling as she opened the door for Owen.

Prehistoric Love (Jurassic World Fanfiction ⇝ 1st Book) Where stories live. Discover now