Chapter 55 - Needs Editing

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We ran towards the Aviary as the chopper flew over our heads, making us all turn our eyes towards it.

The monster ran straight towards the birdcage as ACU started to fire at her..

We almost couldn't see her because of the fire and smoke.

She almost stumbled, just before she burst through the glass into the Aviary.

"No, no, no." I whispered in panic. Not more dinosaurs out of containment.

The Pteranodon and Dimorphodon's escaped their enclosure and some of them flew right towards the chopper and attacked it, finally making it spin.

Both Claire and I gasped as we watched the chopper spin dangereously fast, down towards the top of the Aviary. I quickly reached for Owen's hand. He quickly noticed and placed his hand in mine, as we watched the horrible scenery in front of us.

We could barely see the explosion, but we could hear it. Please, let him be okay. I thought to myself.

Another huge flock of birds came out from the hole in the roof and they were headed towards us.

"Trees, the trees! Go! Go!" Owen yelled, as we turned around and ran towards the trees and the long grass.

Owen quickly looked over his shoulder.

They were flying dangereously low to the ground.
"Down!" He yelled, before he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down with him, making me land on top of him.

I turned my head a bit watching the dinosaurs fly over our heads. Soon they were gone and I looked down at Owen, who were smirking at me.

"Is it bad that I want to kiss you right now?" He asked smirking.

I chuckled, before I shook my head and leaned down, to kiss him.

"You're lucky, that I'm not further along. If my belly was bigger, I would have crushed you." I chuckled, before I got off him.
I felt Claire's confused gaze on me, as I offered Owen my hand and helped him up.

Owen must have felt her cofusement too. "We're having a baby." He said with a proud smile, as he wrapped his arm around my waist and smiled warmly at me. I loved seing him so happy and proud about the baby.

Even though we had a hybrid and a whole crowd of flying dinosaurs on the loose, he managed to make me feel like the most important thing in the world. He was exhausted and dirty, but his eyes were still full of love, as he smiled at me.

"Congratulations." Claire said smiling, even though she seemed really uncomfortable about the situation.

"Thank you." I said smiling warmly at her, making her feel a bit more comfortable.

"We should get back to the park and find Zach and Gray." I said looking up at Owen.

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