Chapter 57

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We were headed towards the Control center and Owen and I walked in front, ready to protect us and the kids, with our guns.

"Are you sure, you're okay?" Owen asked, as we walked.

I nodded and smiled reassuringly at him.

"It looked like it hit you pretty hard." Zach said behind us.

I turned my head and smiled at him, as we walked down the path. "It wasn't that hard." I said smiling.

Claire was on the phone with Lowery.

"Lowery, I'm on my way back to you." Claire said.

"That's a bad idea.
The board assigned emergency ops to iNGen's private security division.
This guy Hoskins is in charge.
And he has this insane plan to use the Raptors to hunt the Indominus." Lowery explained.

"What do you mean "use the Raptors"?" Claire asked confused, making both Owen and I turn our heads towards her.

"Son of a bitch!" Owen hissed angrily as he stopped, knowing it was Hoskins work.

"You shouldn't say "bitch."" Gray said, looking into the sky.

In the same second a chopper flew over our heads.

"Take the kids. Get them someplace safe." Owen ordered, speaking slowly.

We all turned our heads, towards noises from the gate behind us.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath, just before a huge crowd of people burst through the gate, storming in our direction.

We quickly ran towards a car parked in the middle of the path.
I jumped into the passenger seat and Claire sat in the back, with the boys.

Owen quickly reversed the car.
"You got this! Damn it, drive!
Go faster!" The boys screamed, until Owen reversed the car into a safe corner. We all sighed in relieve as he stopped the car.

"This does not feel safe." Zach said nervously.
"Can we stay with you?" Gray asked.

"I am never leaving you as long as you live." Claire answered panting, resting her head back in the seat.

"No, no, no. Him." Gray and Zach said grabbing Owen's shoulder.
"Yeah, definitely him." Gray added.

We all shared a surprised look. But I couldn't blame the kids, it felt safer, being around Owen.

"Let's go. Someone needs to get their ass kicked." I said angrily, staring straight forward. Owen stared surprised at me, but ended up smirking before he drove off.

"So, how do you know each other?" Zach asked smirking at me.

I looked back at Claire before I answered.

"Well, Owen is training the raptors. I'm training some of the herbivores and I'm also assisting Owen. And Claire is our boss." I quickly explained.

"Wow. You're training raptors?! That's cool!" Gray squealed amazed.

"Yeah. It's pretty cool." I said smiling, looking over at Owen.

"You're just way to pretty, to work with those dangereous animals." Zach chuckled.

"Hey kiddo. Look at her left hand.
She's taken." Owen said, not taking his eyes off the road.

We finally pulled up next to the raptor paddock.

Owen and I quickly jumped out of the car and went straight towards Hoskins quickly followed by Claire.

Owen was slightly in front of me.

"The mother hen has finally arrived." Hoskins said, with a smirk on his face.

Owen came in from the left and punched Hoskins right in the face.
I quickly followed, and came in from the right.

"Stay away from our animals." I hissed angrily.

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