Tengen Springs Hotel

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Elegance exudes from this grand and expansive building, featuring a beautiful balcony that encircles nearly the entire second floor. The captivating lights adorn the exterior, while the dangling leaves from the windows lend a touch of natural charm to this cement block. Can't wait for half of the island to turn into this...

"Maya, in all seriousness, where'd you get that dress? I always forget, but every time you wear it, I can't help but ask." Alani hurriedly joined me on the blue carpet near the entrance of the grand hotel entrance. I look up and it has a "Tengen Springs Hotel" banner hanging from it.

"I got it in Indonesia with my mom," I explained softly while adjusting my dress. It's a little big and I feel quite uncertain about wearing it tonight. Alani quickly responds, "Right! That's why I always ask... Can I buy it from you?" I look up at her with a surprised expression and angrily say, "No! It was a gift."

"Come on, you stubborn woman. Just let me borrow it sometimes, okay?" She smirks and winks as we stroll through the classy revolving door. I give her a side-eye just before putting on my sweet girl smile, dealing with all these less-than-friendly, rich, egotistical men. Yay. Thrilled to be here.

As we step inside, a spacious and stunning lobby unfolds before us. Elegant burgundy-patterned carpet graces the floor, complemented by rich dark wood and navy blue hues. It truly is a magnificent place, I must admit it. "So, Daniel really did it... Remember we talked about this project at our dinner table last summer!" My mom squeals from behind me and Alani. "He sure works fast," my dad adds, putting a hand on my shoulder.

As we continue into the lobby, people gather around tall tables, enjoying champagne and other drinks. I appreciate that we're always late to these events; my mother is never in a hurry. Taking our time and arriving a bit fashionably late allows for a more relaxed entrance. We can stroll in, grab a drink, exchange greetings with a few people and most importantly, "strategize," Alani declares, adopting a focused stance beside me at the table, cradling her champagne glass.

We scan the room, peering between groups in search of clues "Found your lover boy," Alani whispers. "Shit!" I react a bit too loudly, earning a quick glare from my mom on the other side of the table, engrossed in conversation with her colleague. "Where?" I ask, now calm. "Right by the bar. His rich daddy is on the other side, so expect him to come through the middle here soon."

I glance to my left, and before I can analyze, Alani explains, "See that guy in the brown suit with the sleek, shiny shoes." I look at the man Alani is describing, and I recognize him, "That's Tarek's father." I press my lips together in disappointment. Anything but the ex-family, thank you very much.

I glance to the other side and spot someone heading to our family's table—seems rich and important. Brace yourself for the first soul-sucking conversation of the evening. My dad and the other man start chatting, while Alani's dad quizzes me about college applications. I mention I'm still researching and being a bit choosy? Not sure why I'm lying, but I suppose I just don't feel like discussing it.

After some time, I spot Koa making his way from the bar; hasn't noticed us yet. Damn, he looks sharp in that suit. Balancing three drinks in his hands, he navigates the crowd gracefully, winning the admiration of all the older ladies he encounters. I break my gaze and tell Alani, "Aborting to the ladies restroom. Text me when he goes by." She nods.

I edge away from the crowd, making sure no one steps on my dress—heels are the worst, they hurt. A bit farther, a friend from school catches my eye, winking and smiling. I greet him with a wave and mouth, "Gotta rush to the bathroom." He nods and smiles as I pass by.

I swing open the door to the enormous women's bathroom. Empty.

Finally, I can breathe. Standing before the expansive mirror that spans from one end to the other, I marvel at the luxury of the place. Ten stalls in a hotel lobby bathroom? Quite something.

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