Daddy Talk

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My hair dances in the wind, and I lean against the car door as we cruise through the island. We pass towering mountains and glide through tunnels. Koa, with a cigarette in his mouth, steers with a focused gaze on the road ahead.

Last night was unforgettable. We sat by the campfire, talking... and kissing for hours. Didn't expect us to understand each other so perfectly. It's his weirdness that makes me feel so free. I think... What am I even dreaming about?

I glance at the dashboard, and it reads 04:54. "I'm so dead, never been this deeply buried in the ground," I mutter. I take a deep breath, running my hand through my hair. If my dad figures out I've been gone all night I don't know what's going to happen.

"What are you talking about? It can't be that bad, just sneak in; they won't even notice," he says, exhaling smoke out the window, trying to boost my confidence.

"You don't know my dad," I remark, casually placing my leg on the dashboard. Koa stares at it, silent for a moment. Snapping out of my thoughts, I swiftly retract my leg. "Sorry! Habit!" I chuckle nervously. He shakes his head, smiling at me. I instruct, "Eyes on the road."

He scoffs, asserting, "I know where I'm driving," he refuses to break eye contact. After much too long his focused gaze returns to the road, navigating flawlessly. "You're a pushover," I declare.

He laughs as we round the corner, entering my street. That uneasy feeling returns to my stomach, heart rate climbing for all the wrong reasons. Intrusive thoughts and fears cloud my mind...

"Hey," a gentle hand grabs mine. Suddenly, I'm pulled back. "You'll be fine," Koa reassures, guiding my hand to the stick shift, using both our hands to shift gears. I scoff, smiling, "Yeah, right, you're right."

He motions for me to open the door as we've come to a stop in front of my house. Surprisingly, we're already here. "Thanks, Koa," my voice tired. He shakes his head, replying, "Don't mention it. Have a good night." Swiftly, I open the door and place one foot on the pavement.

But an impulse holds me back. It's not my usual self... taking charge, but I swiftly spin around, hop back into the tall car, lean over the seat, and kiss him passionately. He holds me and laughs a little in response. After that, I dash toward my backyard as fast as I can.


The one time I desperately wished my window wouldn't jam, I'm using all my strength to lift it, but it won't budge. Shit!

I descended from the fence and attempted the backdoor. Success, they forgot to lock it. Luck is on my side. As I gently close the door behind me without making a sound, the lights flicks on. My father stands there in his work attire, holding a workcase, deep circles under his eyes.

"Dad?" I question, perplexed. "Daughter?" he responds, equally puzzled.

"It's 5 am in the morning. What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" He strides towards the couch, resting his hands on the back and slowly leaning on it. Shit, shit, shit. My heart quickens, yet all my focus remains on my father.

"I could ask you the same, you know. Pulling all-nighters at work, I can bribe you against mom," I retort with a smirk. Then he takes a deep breath. God, here it comes.

"Maya, in all seriousness, where did you just come from?" He looks at me with a deep frown.

I drop myself down on the other couch across from him. "Koa's house. We went swimming."

My father's expression shifts from confusion to disbelief.

"What? You wanted me to make friends!" I whisper but with intensity. "Yes, but I don't know if Koa is the right pick, Maya," he says carefully, removing his tie and jumping over the couch, sitting in front of me. His comment aggravates me. "What do you even mean by that?" I ask. "Well, from what I've heard, Koa isn't a great influence. I don't want you messing around with that boy. Understood?"

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