Intrusive Thoughts

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Today, my intrusive thoughts are really pushing to be heard, making it tough to resist them, it's like Alani's devilish drunk screaming in my ear. That's the best way I can describe it, honestly. Then, Koa grabs my hand, and we dash out into the hallway. Laughter bubbles up inside me as adrenaline kicks in.

My mother is never going to shut up about this.

I'm still recovering from Sera's unexpected kiss earlier tonight... And then, that whole thing, moment with Koa on the balcony... My thoughts are a whirlwind right now. After everything Koa confessed to me, I find myself drawn to him more than ever before. Or is it just because he expressed genuine interest in me, am I being delusional?

Can I even trust his words? Only time will reveal the truth. I won't let my guard down so easily. Yet, this conflict in my heart is leaving me utterly confused.

What on earth is happening to me? I'm torn between guilt, shame, and an exhilarating rush. As we near the lobby with its grand white pillars, he releases my hand. I instinctively loop my arm through his as we pass a disapproving cleaning lady. Her wrinkled face wears mismatched makeup, adding to her stern gaze.

As we pass her, Koa bursts into laughter, making me hit him once again. "Awh! Why do you always do that?" he protests, wincing slightly. "What?" I respond with a giggle. "Hitting me, it's not exactly charming, you know," he remarks, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, shut up," I retort as we glide through the rotating doors, heading outdoors. The doorboy I spoke to earlier wears a thoroughly perplexed expression as we make eye contact, but quickly diverts his attention elsewhere.

"You know him?" Koa asks as I join him in the fresh island breeze, the scent of the ocean filling the air. Living on an island is truly amazing; its essence lingers everywhere, even in the city. Laughing at Koa's question, we stroll across the parking lot.

As I walk ahead, Koa catches up and swiftly grabs my waist from behind, making butterflies flutter through my entire being. "Actually," he says, gently guiding me to the left as I almost lose my balance, "my car's over there."

"Right," I reply, trying to keep my composure as we head towards the car. His hands slip down to my sides as I step out of his grasp... I can't... breathe...

He trails behind me anxiously, so I turn and catch him staring where he shouldn't be. "You are foul, disgusting even." I state calmly, Koa chuckles as he walks around the left side of his sleek black 500E Mercedes-Benz. It's so polished...

"I know, it's a lot. A '90s edition," he remarks, standing on the opposite side of the hood. "A '90s edition," I copy him, struggling to contain my amusement. He bites his lip as he unlocks the car from his side, scoffing.

As we get in the car, Koa lowers his window and lights a cigarette. "Let's grab some food first, then I'll show you one of my favorite outlooks," he says. I'm surprised, Koa comes with a whole plan? I feel uncomfortable in this fancy dress. I hate dressing up for too long, and now I have to endure it all night.

Koa studies me for a moment, taking a drag of his cigarette, "Need something more comfortable?"

I'm taken aback, feeling like he's reading my thoughts. I smile gratefully and nod. He chuckles, gets out of the car, and opens the trunk. "I keep spare clothes, never know what's gonna happen," he says loudly as he tosses me a pair of sweatpants through the car. "Oh, because casually jumping into the ocean fully clothed is a regular activity for you?" I tease, referring to that night...

"I do have my spontaneous moments," he says proudly as he returns to the front seat and starts the car. I kick off my heels and slip on the sweatpants. Koa takes off his blazer and hands it to me.

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