The 'La Rosa' Yacht Party

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The sun's still blazing as we stroll toward the marina, surrounded by sleek yachts and sailboats. It's late in the afternoon, so we're invited to board the yacht early. We'll set course for the open ocean, where there's no need to think about neighbors — we can be as loud as we please. I do have a slight worry about the number of drunk people out on the open water...

I have been struggling to eat, think or breathe for the past few days. Why? Honestly a great question that has been giving me more anxiety than ever. My own thoughts are distracting, my mind's all over the place lately. Ever since Koa said I was effortlessly likable, I'm not sure what that even means.

And then there's the memory of the last time I saw Sera, at my place, when I was freaking out and almost dying in the bathroom. I ended up telling her we couldn't be friends, there's a pang in my chest thinking about it, I feel deep regret. But maybe when I see her I'll feel different again, I'm at a point where I don't even know which feelings to trust within myself. Then Sera saw Koa and I storm out of my dad's private office accusing him of fraud and betrayal, putting shame on our entire family...

I'm curious if she'll talk to me tonight. Honestly, I hope not. I'm secretly pleading for it because deep down, I know I'd welcome even a brief conversation way too easily.... and that just feels wrong. My thoughts are destroying me from the inside out.

Alani strides beside me in her crimson sundress, looking stunning. "Alani, I must say the summer heat looks impeccable on you," I tease, feeling a twinge of envy as the air becomes more difficult to breathe, my nerves tingling at the thought of seeing Sera and Koa any minute now...

"What exactly did he say that night?" she whispers in my ear, referring to Koa in the restaurant booth, she's leaning over me as we walk past the sailors who stare at us unabashedly. They stay silent, probably a wise choice with Alani beside me, begging to get catcalled so she can insult everyone and their mothers.

I give her a deep frown, not understanding why she's asking the sudden question.

"Lady, you look like you've been solving astrodynamics in your head ever since we left the parking lot. What's eating at you?!" Alani clarifies, frustrated.

I've been silent pretty much all day, while getting dressed up and during lunch... I just can't seem to find the words because, well, I'm not sure how I feel. But I go back to her first question, "He said I was effortlessly likable, and that he hated me for it."

Her expression turns sour before she glances ahead, spotting several familiar faces from our school, Koa's friends like Cassie, Nathan, Finn... They're all dressed in swimwear and casual summer attire. I'm relieved I decided on a simple summer dress too.

I braced myself for an insult or some form of degradation towards Koa, but instead, Alani says, "Effortlessly likable? Koa is quite strange... but deep down, that tells me he's not a creep, and you know it." She starts shaking her head, "He's so... sensitive." Her laughter followed her realization.

I couldn't contain my own laughter at her unexpected remark. "He is quite sensitive, isn't he?!"

"I hope Koa isn't plotting anything wild for tonight. We're stuck there with no escape," I say, feeling my anxiety spike. Alani smiles at some friends, clearly distracted by the environment. Then, I add teasingly, "And Alani, don't even think about diving off this yacht for a midnight swim. No matter the amount of alcohol consumed. Understood?"

She lifts her head, eyes closed, basking in the sun. "Let's follow wherever the wind blows," she says, aiming to sound poetic.

"You'll drown," I reply bluntly.

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