Stay Quiet or They Might Hear Us, Part Two

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I settle into the far end of the balcony couch, getting a clear view of the room below. While exchanging greetings with important but uninteresting people, I observe the bustling activity as people find their seats below. Suddenly, my attention is drawn to her—the way she gracefully descends the stairs, with her friend Alani trailing her. Alani whispers something close in Maya's ear... that sparks laughter, as they both radiate charm. That striking blue dress tight around Maya's waist catches my eye, but I remind myself not to focus on her anymore. It stings...

As they navigate through the seats, I reach for a cigarette in my pocket and place it between my lips, igniting it despite my father's disapproving gaze. He joins me, accepting my lighter as he retrieves a cigar from his own pocket. "Son," he begins, before mentioning the presence of the Davis family I clearly already noticed. "Could you invite them up here?"

I gaze at him in disbelief, "I'm not going down there..."

My father exhales disappointedly. Then my mother steps in from the side, swiftly taking her seat at the front of the railing. "I've already spoken to Hannah; they're coming," she assures.

Fuck. I don't want to see her.

As I lean over the railing, inhaling deeply from my cigarette, my view worsens. I spot Sera and Maya engaged in conversation, and I feel anger arise inside of me, knowing it's not righteous. I wonder what they're talking about. They both look stunning... Sera wears a white dress that I've seen before on her, yet it doesn't fail to leave me in awe.

I'm quietly awaiting the moment they make their relationship official... Deep down, I suppose I held onto hope, even after the fair fundraiser. But there's this nagging feeling that maybe Maya sensed my own questionable motives, leading her to try and hurt me?

I sit there, staring at her as my dad and I smoke, waiting for them to look our way. Then her mother, Hannah Davis' voice resonates through the entire cinema hall, calling for Maya and Alani. My heart startles for a second but my gaze remains uninterested, with a twist of anger.

They glance in our direction, Maya's surprise evident even from a distance. I manage a forced, friendly wave, but I'm filled with disgust as Sera's betrayed expression meets my eyes. It's astonishing how she seems to feel like the betrayed one.

Then Sera says something that I obviously am not able to hear. But she seems offended and angry... interesting. I wonder what's going on between them. Then I see Sera practically sprinting up the stairs. I'm taken aback by the unfolding scene and automatically rise from my seat. Watching Sera leave as she runs off towards the exit, her white dress shines through the crowd. Maya hurries after her too, creating a scene that earns an angry glare from my father. He tightens his jaw, signaling his skepticism towards me.

"What?!" I retort defensively. "This better not have anything to do with you, Koa." He says very calmly, taking a deep drag of his cigar before settling next to my mother.

I sit back down... listening to a war in my mind.

Maybe those moments together didn't mean as much to Maya as they did to me. Did she simply abandon me for Sera? It's infuriating to even think about it. Unable to understand what I'm feeling and why these thoughts keep clouding my mind! Fuck! I just want to focus on surfing... and surviving my parents...


A little while later, Rick and Hannah Davis come into the balcony. I shake hands with them and chat a bit about school, even though I've been skipping more classes than attending. Behind them, Alani enters, making everyone turn their heads. My mom, turned around in her seat, compliments Alani on her beautiful dress. I can't help but agree; she does look amazing. As Alani's parents greet mine and everyone starts chatting, I make my way over to her.

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