At The Beach Once More

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"Maya, I love you."

In that moment, I decided to tell her the truth because there were no other thoughts in my mind, not since she surprised me on this beach. My body leans over hers, and I kiss her, feeling as if I'm drifting into another world.

As I place my hands on her hips, I'm taken aback by the sensation of her bare skin on her side. I pull away from the kiss to see her dress torn open, my mouth gaping in astonishment. "We should—" I begin, but she interrupts me, grabbing my face in her hands. "We should forget about that," she insists.

She kisses me with passion, igniting a surge of energy in my stomach. I chuckle at the intensity she's pouring into the kiss, secretly enjoying every bit of it. As she collapses onto the sand, her hands glide over my arms and back, holding onto me tightly. She wraps her legs around me, and in that moment, I feel myself giving in completely, unable to resist her.

As I remove her dress, which seemed unnecessary anyway, she swiftly pulls off my undershirt and nudges me upright. Rising from the sand, she begins to giggle, and I can't help but be mesmerized by the sight of her bare skin–her entire body bathes in the soft orange glow of the sunlight filtering through the palm trees behind her. She dashes towards the ocean, calling back teasingly, "What? Are you coming or...?"

I object, "It's freezing, you know."

I enjoy watching her stroll away from me, especially without clothes... She glances back, eyes rolling, "Predictable..." That's my cue to rise from the sand and dash toward her, embracing her tightly and lifting her up. She wraps her arms around my neck, giggling. "Be careful what you wish for," I jest, plunging into the icy water with her in my arms.

I sense her close as we float on the gentle waves. Her eyes meet mine, her skin glowing. She playfully tries to lean on my shoulders, hoping to dump me under, but we both know that's not happening. "Stop moving so much! You know I can't stand there!" she says with a mix of annoyance and laughter as we drift further into the ocean.

Diving into the chilly sea after a night of drinking is something everyone should experience at least once in their life. It's the most refreshing, awakening feeling you could have, or maybe that's just my obsession with the ocean. Under the water, I listen to the soothing ocean sounds. After a moment, I resurface, gasping for air, only to find Maya missing... which surprises me.

I wait patiently, scanning the water. But after quite a long time, still no sign of her. Suddenly, a soft blow on the water breaks the silence. I turn to find her, only her eyes and nose above the surface. With a playful eye roll, I make my way toward her.

"Did I scare you?" she teases, her smile matching the sun's warmth filtering through the palm trees. I reach her and wrap her in a tight embrace. "I hereby revoke all your free swimming privileges," I tease, holding on tighter as she tries to squirm away, giggling. "I'm never letting go," I add, my tone suddenly turning serious, even surprising myself.

She stops resisting and leans into me, her smile warming my soul. "I love you..." she whispers, sending shivers down my spine, my heart racing, breath catching, and mind spinning. Yet, all I see is her. With her hand on the back of my head, I kiss her slowly... feeling every fiber on my lips, savoring every sensation.

Keeping Maya in my life is the only concern I have right now. She sees me like nobody else ever has. But I'm afraid of losing her, given my history of people walking out of my life, especially with Nick, who I never expected to leave but can't blame. Maya brings excitement and hope back into my life, showing me I don't have to do it all alone. I regret taking her for granted, and I fear I may never fully make things right.

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