A Rainy Beach Day, Complications

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A few days after the fundraiser...

I'm walking along the wooden path, heading down the coastal dunes. The wind is strong, and the air is chilly today. I get goosebumps all over my body as the wind rushes through my dress. It's not the ideal day for the beach; most people would go for a movie or shop around the city...

Not me, I need some time to clear my mind. I can not... I repeat... I can't stop the thoughts about that night in Sera's car, the intense heat, her lips, and her body... It all keeps replaying in my head, and it's a big distraction...

We connected so effortlessly... and she was so passionate, it was enticing.

But my heart sinks when I think about what followed – the reason I came here in the first place, why I haven't been sleeping for the past three days. Seeing Alani, Nick and Tarek was tough, but facing Koa for the first time since everything happened was the hardest.

He stood at a distance, and I couldn't even meet his eyes but fuck... Did he really witness all of that just now? I felt myself drowning in guilt... Even now I feel like I'm digging a hole for myself, yet all I'm trying to do is follow my heart? But honestly, I'm lost. My thoughts and feelings are all caught up in each other, and the confusion is growing inside of me.

Every day is different. I felt a great amount of guilt, confusion, and also happiness. It was a wild ride the past two days. But, today it's just sadness and exhaustion.

The ocean's fresh air is easing my fatigue as I step onto the secluded beach, beside a towering mountain cliff. Behind the beach, a vast forest with tropical trees stretches out. This beach isn't popular for swimming due to strong winds, but surfers swarm on it.

The beach isn't crowded, but out in the water, I spot plenty of people in swimsuits, surfers patiently waiting for a wave... or catching one. As I stroll along the shore, I remember that beneath the mountain, on the rocky cliff side, there's a hidden path leading to a beautiful lookout spot.

Did I come here hoping to find Koa and have a talk with him? You're quite right. But as I squint, scanning the water for him, it's tricky. I'm debating whether I should talk to him or not. Just thinking about what to say makes my heart race. It would be something like, "Hey, I wanted to apologize for ditching you and kissing your childhood crush." What's wrong with me?!

In the distance, with their swimsuits and dark hair, they all look the same, and I don't think he's here...

I keep walking in the direction of the secret path and notice two of Koa's friends... I recognise them from Nick's summer party. Shit, one of them sees me, and we make eye contact. He nudges his friend, and they both glance my way. They're definitely talking about me. I wonder how many people Koa felt like telling about me...? Maybe it wasn't a good idea showing my face here.

Unexpectedly I spot Nick – his wet blonde hair, swimsuit, and surfboard under his arm. He rushes towards me with a smile, catching me off guard and filling my heart with a surprise.

This... This might be exactly the person I need to talk to...

"Hey, Maya! It's good to see you!" His warm smile and friendly greeting bring a sense of comfort. "Hey, Nick... I was just heading to my..." I glance toward the cliffs, debating whether to share my secret spot with him. "Hideout. Wanna join me?" I raise an eyebrow playfully.

Nick frowns for a moment, then laughs, saying, "Hideout? How could I possibly pass on that?"

He motions for me to wait, dashing over to Koa's friends and dropping his board next to theirs. A quick word, probably about watching his board, and he sprints back to me. His friend shouts something in the wind, can't hear it, and they all burst into laughter, except Nick, who just waves them off.

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