Chapter Three

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"Chat Noir. Are you stalking me?"

"What! No!! God no! We- we run into each other! Thats it." He pushes past me "I would never stalk someone I-I beat up the bad guys! Guys who do that get me..roughing em up" A sigh escapes him like he's debating if he should tell me something. "We..happen to run into each other sometimes"

"Happen to?" I tease "or do you make it happen"

"I'm not a stalker! Ok?" He huffs out sitting down on my bed

"Spoken like a man who definitely wasn't stalking me" I say crossing my arms

"We really just..crossed paths. Maybe I went around areas more cause I thought you'd be there..but I never followed you! I just..I'm confused.." His eyes finally raise up to look at me but he quickly turns away shuffling his legs "and for the love of God will you change out of that towel"

"Oh!" I squeak out running past him to the bathroom. I change as quick as I can but when I come back out he's gone.


To say I was distracted at work was an understatement. I felt almost uneasy knowing the man who was in my room last night has been watching me this whole time. Could he really be trusted I mean what if he has been stalking me? He's a super hero though so he can't be DANGEROUS right? Right..

"Y/N! Focus you're making a mess!" My manager snaps out

"Shit!" I mumble under my breath quickly working to wipe everything away. I huff tossing the cup into the trash and starting over. I remake the drink as fast as I can.

As soon as I'm done I call out the name for the order and the drink is quickly snatched from my hands "About time" She huffed before storming out.

"Y/N will you see me in the office for a second" I hear Blake sigh out. A groan escapes me as I move towards the office.

He shuts the door behind us and he looks at me expectingly "Can I help you?" I say ready to get back to work, I hate these little chats.

"You can start by telling me what's wrong with you. You keep messing up orders, I think you've had more people mad at you today then you've had your whole time here" His eyes run over my face like he'll be able to figure it out without me saying.

How do I explain everything?

"I'm fine. It's just been a long week" I shrug trying my best to look like my thoughts have stopped running since night

"Well if you're going to keep messing up I can't have you on shift. You're wasting a lot of product being 'fine'. Go home and get some rest. Be back..when do you work next?" He mumbles grabbing the schedule from the door.

"Sunday, but I'm fine to work. I'm just a little hazy but I'm good I'll pay more attention" I try to justify but he only looks down at me with a look that could shatter glass

"You're a grown woman I shouldn't have to explain to you that this isn't just for you. The owners gonna have my ass wondering why we had to remake so many drinks if I keep letting you work. So take your nice little 2 day vacation, and be ready to be my top employee come Sunday." He opens the door shooing me out and slipping me his card.

I clock out not sure if I'm happy to get away from this place or pissed I'm loosing my hours. After handing Blake his card back and grabbing my bag I'm out the door.

It's blinding out without a cloud in the sky, a small breeze helped with the heat at least.

I get to walking back home but didn't make it far before running into a regular. The moment he sees me his face goes red an he walks a bit faster his blonde hair bouncing with every step. "Hey!" I yell out to him.

He stops dead in his tracks turning towards me "Heyy Y/n" His smile is a bit to big and he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly

"I fuck up your drink that bad you had to run from me?" I laugh

"Oh no no, you did great as always" He holds his smile but avoids eye contact with me. He's obviously hiding something but before I can even try to question him an annoying screech runs through my ears.

"Ohhh ADRIKENSS" A flash of yellow and a woman is hanging off of Adrien, she turns to look at me "Oh ew. What are you doing with this RAT?" Her face is contorted and I instantly get tense, he's gonna be here.

"Oh come on babe that's rude. She doesn't look THAT bad" My ex slings his arm around her ugly yellow cardigan, smiling at me. "Hey Y/N long time no see"

"You two know each other?" Adrien pipes in. My jaw clenches so hard I think my teeth my break.

"Oh yea. We used to bang back in high school, no biggie" He flashes his teeth at him, like a fuckin shark. No. Sharks are beautiful creatures, he's more like a fuckin goose.

"Oh yea no biggie at all just my High School bang buddy for a few years before I moved all the way to Paris for him before he found his way into some trash, I had to leave him wouldn't want my apartment stunk up" A smile flashes across my face at the girl as she goes red with anger.

"Oh really..I feel like I remember dumping you for being boring!" That fake bitch "You seeing anyone these days or did they wanna jump out the window as much as I did?"

"Uh-yea of course I did! We're very happy actually something you wouldnt know about" My arms cross

"Oh yea? Who would have the patience to deal with YOU?" He flips his hair out of his eyes, God those eyes. I HATE HIM.

"Uh-hes actually-um..ADRIEN" I grab his arm pulling him away from blondie and leaning my head on his shoulder "We met not long after I left you, and yaknow one thing lead to another."

He bust out laughing "Oh yea. YOU got with Adrien Agreste? Surpised you moved on so fast. I half expected you to come crying home to mommy"

"Well that's the good thing about Adrien actually. When you're to busy being stuffed you don't worry about the little things in life" I look down at his crotch before flashing a big smile "Well we gotta go. You know how riled I get after work sooo good seeing you both though!" I wave at them dragging Adrien with me down the street.

I hold it as long as I can before I drop Adriens arm and kick a wall "GOD HES A PRICK" I yell "I'm sorry I put you in the middle of that, just FUCK does he get to me. That fuckin smile and those gorgeous eyes UGH"

"Uh its ok" He mumbles "That was..a lot though, you really don't like each other huh?" His face screams how awkward he feels.

"Yea no I'm so sorry dude. I know that's weird you're just a customer I shouldn't of said those things but we we're together for 3 YEARS and all he has to say is I was his fuck buddy?? It only felt appropriate to attack him"

"And you pissed Chloe off" He chuckles

"Ugh how do you even know that bitch" I roll my eyes

"Oh our families work together sometimes" He says "She..wasn't always like that but unfortunately that's the Chloe we get now"


He starts laughing "Yea something like that" He gets out shaking his head at me. "Um..are you ok?" He asks

"Yea, I've spent enough time on that prick. Plus I actually do have a new guy on my mind but no one would believe it" I sigh

"Oh? Who?" He says his eyes shift a bit but I can't tell what it is

"It sounds silly but Chat Noir. I think he comes by the shop out of uniform sometimes cause he says he's been watching me" Adrien starts laughing awkwardly

"Oh my God you're crazy, that's crazy. Why would he do that. That's creepy"

"Eh..I like my guys a little obsessive it's kinda hot" I bite my lip a little before coming to an laughing a bit "That's..a bit to much info though. Sorry again for looping you into this all. I'm on mandatory leave from work, but stop by Sunday and I'll buy your drink for you. Byee" I wave walking away from him as fast as I could while not seeming like I was actively running.

How embarrassing

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