Chapter Twenty

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"That's funny, cause I was hoping we wouldn't talk" I smiled shutting the door.

"I'm serious" He deadpans at me

"Oh I assure I am too." I sigh slipping my boots off and sitting on his bed "What do you want to talk about"

"Whats wrong with you and Marinette?" I instantly groan at his question, rolling my eyes.

"She's what's wrong. I try to be nice, then today I try to talk to her to settle whatever issue she has with me. Then she got all pissy with me and then at the Cafe she tried AGAIN so now imma be the bitch she thinks I am." I huff. He shakes his head at me.

"We can never find our peace if someone else holds our mind" He set his hand on mine. He looked so serious it was hard not to laugh.

"Dude. I'm not a very peaceful person is the thing. My life has been one big cluster-fuck of chaotic hijinks I wasn't made aware of in advance. I kinda just roll with it at this point" I nod at him and his smile cracks for a second before he goes back serious.

"That's not good for your mental health. You need time to relax and sort-"

I cut him off scooting closer to him "Perfect cause relaxing is what I came here for-"

"You came here because Marinette likes me and you think sleeping with me will get back at her" He moves to get off the bed but I push him back down.

"You make it seem like Marinette has control over my actions. I've made my point to her already. On top of that I have nothing to prove to her. She has issues with me. I just want a pretty boy to kiss me" I trail a finger down his jaw before moving down to his neck grabbing him gently and pulling him in.

Our lips stay almost touching for just a second before he speaks "You're..violently addictive" He says sounding breathless.

"Is that consent?" I giggle before he closes the gap between us pulling me down on top of him. Luka was a surprisingly good kisser and was a lot more confident then Adrien was.

One hand was laid on my thigh while the other was behind my head keeping me at his lips. His kissing was rushed, like if he stopped I'd leave. Not that I minded.

I like my toys desperate.

I pulled away from him giggling at his dazed eyes as they trailed over me. "You hot" He gripped my thighs moving up my body. "This is so wrong. You're just using me to make a point to Marinette. One I don't even understand, and she's my friend I should be trying to stop you" His hands never left my body.

"But doesn't feel so good?" I question his back arches up a little at my words. He mumbles under his breath for a second before he stares into my eyes.

"I feel so uncontrollable around you. Those eyes are dangerous, your voice is electric, I want to tell you no but fuck I don't want you to stop"

"Mm..seems like you're at an impass" I look up tapping my cheek pretending to think "Oh I know how to help." I smile "I'll just stop!" I move to get off him but his grip on my hips tighten and he holds me in place on top of him.

"Wait-" It's only for a second before his eyes widen and his hands let go "I..I didn't mean to just grab you like that I-"

"Made a decision" I smiled grabbing his hands and putting them back on my hips leaning down to him "You chose to keep going" I smiled. A shiver ran down his back and he let out a breath.

When he turned back to me his eyes held that same dazed look, only this time he looked a bit afraid "Its scary..what you do to me"

"And what do I do?" I question putting a kiss to his jaw.

Here Kitty (Chatnoir x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora