Chapter Seventeen

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The girls didn't do bad. It was surprisingly tame and I felt hot. I really expected them to put me in something weird but they had me in a cropped graphic tee and jean shorts that were almost to short for volunteer work. They also had me in my daisy vans but had a secret bag that held my outfit for our "girls night" later and all I knew about it was my spikey platform boots where the "must" of the outfit and that they hoped they were comfortable to wear.

I was once again concerned.

When we finally got up with the group Mylenn had given us a pin for our shirts "You're not supposed to be in certain areas so if a ranger stops you just show em your badge" She laughed "We got permission from the city to go wherever we see trash. Also remember once your tash bag is full bring it up front and get ones from the tent. They also have water! I know we're here to save the planet but we can't do that if your passed out from dehydration, it's hot out here"

"Fuck yes it is" I say waving my hand in front of my face "How are you people not sweating yet?" I sigh getting a laugh from our small group "that's not a joke.." I mumble

"Alright everyone! Team up in 2-3 and come get your sections!" Mylenn says before moving over to the tents.

Zoe instantly looks at me but I'm already peaking over at the rest of the group. Alya and Nino obviously paired right away leaving either Adrien or Marinette without a partner.

I look over at the girls "Why don't you guys pair up?" I ask them making Zoe frown at me "I know look. Marinette has some issue with me and I wanna sort it out if we're all going to be friends" They all look at each other before smiling at me

"That's very sweet of you" Zoe starts

"But Marinette..well" Rose continues.

Juleka looks to the side

"She doesn't always think rationally" Zoe finishes the other two nodding

"Her reasoning for not liking you probably isn't well thought out.." Rose comments

"Well..I can at least say I tried!" I said turning and walking over to Marinette "Hey! Wanna pair up?" I question making her look suspiciously at me

"You wanna pair up?" She asks crossing her arms.

"Yes I do" I nod

"Yeah..well me and Alya are already paired" She says slinging her arm around Alya

"Well..Alya wants to pair with Nino and Nino will probably want to pair with Adrien" I shrug "Mylenn said max 3. They have theirs. So let's pair up." I say

"Alya tell her!" She whines to Alya pulling her arm a bit

"Actually I think that's a great idea. You two should talk" Alya smiles at me.

"Agreed" I smile taking Marinette by the arm "MYLENN, ME AND MARI!" I call out making my way over to the tent.


So much for talking. It had been pretty much dead silent other than one words answers from her. AND WE HAD COLLECTED 2 BAGS OF TRASH ALREADY!

I sighed obviously getting no where with her "Look I'm just trying to be friendly ok? I wanna get this shit solved for the sake of our friends. But you wanna be a big baby just the guys YOU dumped like me? Fine, but go fuck yourself first cause it's not my fault you can't keep the men in your life happy" I huff at her shoving some more trash into my bag moving a bit faster to get a head of her.

"Who ever said they like you?" She snipped "They're wonderful guys they're just being nice to you, don't be so full of yourself" She scoffs.

"Wanna bet on that" I raised a brow at her "cause I remember Luka avoiding you to talk to me a lot. And your precious Adrien was at my house helping me get ready. Not you." I roll my eyes.

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