Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chat sat cross legged at bottom of my bed looking at me expectantly. He had busted through my window with the bright idea that I needed to tell my parents what's going on. News hit home I was banging Adrien Agreste a while ago. Then the interview with fuck face and his cheap blonde bitch hit not long after that.

Old "friends" were quick to take online both outing my parents for answers but also playing up like they "new me when". It was pathetic and hard not to drag them anytime reporter's brought it up. My parents had been silent anytime people would ask them questions always giving the short "I don't know" answer.

Then finally today mom snapped at the reporter's "Well maybe if you stopped dragging our daughter through the mud she might feel comfortable enough to talk to us about it! But instead you want to shove cameras in everyone's face and demand they tell you their shit! Go fuck yourselves!" That's when dad started dragging her away as she continued to hurl insults about them. I hadn't heard her cuss in years and now here she is sounding like me.

"Y/n you know you have to tell them eventually" Chat mumbled reaching out and setting a hand over mine. I sigh and nodded hitting the call button




"..Y/n?" Dads voice came through the phone. There was a quick drop of a pan and some shuffling of the phone.

"Y/n?!" My mom called "are you ok sweetie? What's going on?" The moment I heard my mom's voice I felt everything start bubbling up in me and it felt impossible to speak.

"H-hi" I finally spoke.

"Sweetheart, what happened?" Dads voice was laced with worry and I sighed.

" and Trention didn't work out.." I called making them laugh a bit

"Yeah..yeah we figured that one out." Dad had a hardy chuckle and it made me miss home. I could almost smell the early dinner cooking, Bunglo waiting patiently right outside the kitchen for mom to drop something 'on accident'.

"Um..I..I did good for a while. Then um..then I met Chat" my eyes found his and he gave me a shy smile.

"The superhero? How did you land that one?" Mom giggled. She sounded like she was going to cry, it was all things they new. Surely they'd seen the news. Everyone knew.

"Loong story. But we..had fun" I laughed awkwardly "and that kinda spiraled and..I don't know. It led to more men I suppose then eventually..Adrien became one of them? Now his fan based is livid I took their innocent Adrien away from him. It only got worse when we denied dating rumors but it was already out we were..yeah so then they were mad cause I had him..not committed but still.." I sigh

"We don't need the messy details" Dad said sounding very uncomfortably "The uh..the news had a good bit of that covered for you"

"Which is completely wrong! You know me an your father meddled in some of that when we were young and hip" Mom chimed in making me gag.

"Mom! Gross!" I yelled

"Oh what so you being all kinky with some model and superhero is good conversation but how you got made isn't?" She teased

"God I beg both of you to stop" Dad sighs. I could see him taking off his glasses, shaking his head but smiling.

"Our deepest apologies my good sir" Mom says giggling after.

"Anywayy- um..I'm living with the Agreste now. I uh- I lost the old apartment. I couldn't really afford another one on my own either" I admitted.

"Are you going to come home?" Mom asked. I looked at Chat and saw his ears droop a little. It was quite the tempting offer.

" mom. I don't think so. I'm sorry. I think I wanna visit soon though. I miss everyone and I think it'd be good for me to get away from Paris for just a bit" I sigh

"Oh..well if you ever need anything please call sweetie. You know we love you. I'm sorry you didn't feel like you could talk to us about everything sooner.." She trailed.

I sighed out a bit "Everyone said it was a bad idea" I chuckled a bit "I suppose they were right..but I'm glad I came to Paris still" Chat squeezed my hand.

"Well Pumkin I'd love to talk more but I know it's gettin late for you, and your mom's burning dinner-"

"Crap!" Mom yells before there's a big commotion of pans and Dad erupts with laughter

"-so I'm gonna let you go. Please call soon?" He finishes.

I nod though he can't see "I will Dad. I promise. I love yall"

"We love you too!" I heard a distant call.

Dad laughed a little more "Save me, I think we're gonna need to call a pizza hun" He tells her before focusing back on me "I love you so much. We're all on your side over here" I smile feeling the tears willing back at his words.

"Thanks dad.."

"..bye pumpkin"


"Bye! Love you always call me again soon!" Mom yells making me laugh a bit

"Bye mom" I laugh before hanging up.

Chat looks at me and smiles "Dont you feel a lot better?" He asks. I take a deep breath really not wanting to cry in front of him.

"In a way? I suppose?..I'm not sure. I guess I'm glad I've told them. They deserve to know. I expected more questions."

"They probably just wanna give you some space with everything going on" He trails

"I know..I appreciate them; and you. Thanks for making me call them." His smile grows real big and he nods at me. "So!" I demand "wanna make me feel a bit better?" I coo

"Oh? And how might I do that?" He laughs surprise filling his face as I grab his bell and pull him on top of me.

"I have some ideas" I purr

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