Chapter Thirty-Four

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"I just can't believe it!" I huff "Just because of the press I have to get fired!?" My head falls to the table with a groan. A gentle hand rubs the side of my arm.

"Girl trust me I'm bored as hell with out you. Stephanie is whining more because Adriens never there and she's having to pick up some of your shifts. Though it has been fun to mess with her" Moe rolls his eyes before taking a sip of his coffee.

"No fairrr I wanna make fun of her tooo" I groan again.

"Well after the store got hate bombed by your boy toys fangirls" He shrugged

"I know. I'm not mad I get why they did but I really liked that job..and the cookies" I huff "My life just feels..backwards right now. I mean I lost my job, my home, I can't go anywhere with out the feds" I nod over to Natalie and Ezra who agreed to accompany me until Adriens shoot was over. "And Gabriel my god! Moe. He's a creep. I wouldn't be surpised if he has cameras in the bathroom" I shiver "He just..has this vibe on him" I huff

"Girl he's old!" He rolls his eyes "Old rich white men love cutesy bitches like you. They like it when you look good and bully them"

"Yeah well he puts me in one more ugly ass dress and I'm gonna pin Adrien to a table in front of all those reporters. See how he feels then" I cross my arms as I toss myself back in my seat

"Oh don't get me started on those dresses" He fakes a gag, probably, waving his hands in front of him "You look like if a old lady fucked the street and sold that baby off to work a corporate job for the next 47 years of its life"

I can only bust out laughing "What does that even mean?" I manage through my giggles

"Lifeless, ugly, dull, and suicidal!" He slams his cup down "I mean my good FUCK! How is he a world known fashion designer and you get sent out in those horrid designs? Makes me sick!" He shivers

"I can't disagree. They're god awful, but apparently my clothes will just fuel more rumors" My eyes roll back with a deep sigh "I'll never understand their obsession with my sex life" I peek over at the feds and Natalie taps her watch. I huff but not making Moe take a peak

"Being dragged away already?" He pouts.

"Sorry only ten minutes of yard time" I frown

"You poor baby" He giggles standing "Up, up" He waves. I quickly stand and he takes my hand in his slipping me something as he shakes it "Good day my kind sir" He salutes me as he walks off "Feds" He tips his imaginary hat as he passes the others.

I peak at my hand seeing an envelope with messy hand writing sprawling 'To my favorite, and her favorite'

I can only raise a brow before shoving it in my bag and following the feds out to the car. As they begin the drive, I'm stuck wondering about the envelope.


"And this is from your coworker?" Chat questions a surprised look on his face after I read him the invite. I laughed and nodded.

"And best friend..that has a dick. A real one, not silicone" I smile at him and he shakes his head.

"Is it not a little weird still?" He questions

'Come to this address on Saturday (the 16th) ya skank I'm throwing a party. Dress hot and wear a mask. Bring your little toy too, if you want to claim them instead of having them free range put them on a leash (I'm sure they're well trained on it)

Make sure to send me a pic of your mask. I've seen you, you're hot as hell and I WILL try if I don't know it's you. I'm not trynna fuck my bestie

Love you, Moe'

The first part was obviously printed on but the second bit was hand written like the envelope. I was stuck laughing the first time I read it and now that Chat is here its hard not to start all over again.

"Would it be that bad?" I questioned "I need some fun after everything going on" I pout

He sighs as he looks at me "What if someone recognizes us?" He questions

"No one will. That's the point of the mask plus it's all other kinky people. Who cares if they figure me out? And you..well I'll help make sure you don't speak" I wink. A blush slowly takes over his face as his eyes run around the bed, his mind rushing with possibilities of what I could be hinting at.

He finally clears his throat "If you think it could be a good idea..I'm at your command"

I smile and clap my hands a bit "let's find something to wear!" I instantly pull out my phone to begin our search.


For all of you who aren't following and wondering where I've been during my small break..I got married! I'll be back to posting like normal, hopefully, things just got very crazy at the end there.

Thank you everyone for being so loving and supportive <3

And big thank you to my new HUSBAND whose been my biggest supporter through this whole book (even if he died laughing when he found out what it's about)

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