Chapter Ten

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Everyone started to head home once we all confirmed everyone was alright. Luka and the girls where waving by from the ship and the five of us were all heading our own ways when I grabbed Adriens hand "Hey. So I was wondering if you'd walk me home?" I questioned

"Oh yea!" He smiled peaking at his watch

"Its ok if you can't" I said quickly waving my hands in front of me.

'Say you can'

"No it's ok! I'd love to" He smiled


"Thanks" I smiled as we stared the walk back to my apartment "Your friends are really nice" I say

"Oh yeah they're great. We've all been friends since high-school. We started the band back then too"

"Yea that unicorn song's's good!" I say with a fake smile. He laughs a little

"It was our first song to be professionally produced. We've gotten better" He says "You should totally come to a show sometime"

"Yaknow it seems I'm getting dragged into a bunch since I met your friends" I say making him laugh. We keep talking until we reach my apartment.

"Soo" I say "we're here"

"Yep!" He smiles "thanks for coming out with me today. I had a lot of fun"

"Me too. Surprisingly" I chuckle "So wanna come in? I'm not quite ready for bed. Wouldn't mind some company?" I smile a little and he stares at me for a second before nodding slightly

"Yeah..uh we could watch a movie or something?" He suggests making me nod

"Or something" I turn opening the building and starting up the stairs. When we make it to my door I unlock it letting him in before locking it back behind him.

He looks around a bit "Huh I've never seen your living room" He mentions

"You've never seen any of my apartment" I say looking at him with fake confusion as I pull my shoes off. He's quick to stumble over his words

"Oh uh-yea-i mean- that's exactly what I ment. I've never been here at all! Yaknow?" He laughs awkwardly.

"Of course" I smile "Hey I gotta go change. I might have something you can fit if you want out of those jeans.

"Oh um..yea sur-"

"Great! Come on!" I drag him into my room pushing him down to the bed. He stares at me as I walk away pulling the hoodie up over my head. An army green tank top fit tight against me, I bend over to get some clothes from my drawers.

"I'm sure I have some shorts in here somewhere. Ah!" I grab a pair of basketball shorts for him and a short grey pair for me. I toss his towards him before setting mine on the dresser

'Won't need those for a second'

Before I can start taking my leggings off and I hear him shoot up "Oh! Um! Yeah! I'll go- I'll change in here" He starts heading towards the bathroom keeping his head down.

"Adrien!" I say making him slow "Sit" I command making him back up an onto the bed.

Any other person I wouldn't dare change like this in front of them, but I have a contract saying I get to do whatever I want outside of his hard limits to him.

And right now, I want him to watch.

He looks at me before swallowing hard. "Um..Y-y/n-"

"Adrien" I cut him off. He looks at me shutting his lips tight "You have two options." I hold up two fingers walking over to him. When I reach him I lean over getting close to him "You can be a good boy and watch, or you can get out. Can go home and jerk one out thinking about how much better it would be if you stayed" His eyes flick down to my lips before going back to my eyes. He goes to say something before it dies on his lips

Here Kitty (Chatnoir x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin