Chapter Eighteen

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Apparently the bodyguard doesn't usually eat with us because everyone was very surpised when I got him to sit down. Though it was at the table next to us. He kept an eye on us, more specifically Adrien, and had worked it out with the staff to give us a quiet part in the back where if someone where to come in they wouldn't freak out over Adrien being here.

Everyone was even more surpised when I got him to order some food, though it was with Adriens final push and he still didn't speak just pointed at the menu to the waitress. She seemed a bit terrified of him to be completely honest.

I had originally been down at the back but when Marinette sat down opposite of me quickly moved up towards the front. Juleka surprisingly followed suit leading to both Rose and Zoe scoot up as well. Putting pretty much everyone between us. What I didn't expect was to see Luka join us. He had apparently went and was brought on as a tent leader on the opposite side of the park so I never actually saw him. They had him meet us and he brought some of the workers to eat as well though the guard didn't let them in until Adrien piped up.

That left Marinette at the very back with Alya, Nino, Adrien, Mylenn, and Ivan followed by some more school friends they had then Luka and his crew. Finally it was my three and me.

I was blissfully unaware of how many people were a part of this friend group. They all seemed pretty close though didn't get together that often. Though that was a bit of a relief for me. According to the girls it also wasn't that common for Marinette to be around for their hangouts as she was busy a lot. It made me feel better I wasn't ruining anything with them.

I was also happy to announce I was starting to accept Rose. Though originally I found her mildly annoying with her voice and peppy attitude she was surprisingly funny and more than happy to dish out on Juleka. Which in turn made her a bit more talkative as she fired back at Rose.

They were the perfect couple.

When the food finally came out it was sliced up a lot, with such a big crowd it was bound to happen. I honestly felt bad for the staff. When mine came out I gave a small thank you and waited. It smelled delicious and my stomach grumbled since I hadn't ate yet.

The girls looked at me weirdly "What?" I asked

"Is there something wrong with your food?" Zoe said

"No, but not everyone has gotten theirs" I said shrugging.

"And they might not for a while" Zoe laughed "Go ahead" She said taking another bite of hers.

"I'm ok" I smiled watching as the server brought another round of food out. It was a few more minutes before they brought out the finally two setting it in front of Adriens bodyguard and then Juleka.

"Now eat!" Juleka demanded in the most clear tone I've heard from her yet. It makes me giggle and I start eating. I make note to come back here, it's surprisingly delicious.

Though honestly the girls are what really make the experience. For a long time I was debating if it was worth going back to America and now I'm at a random Cafe with soda coming out my nose from laughing to hard.

We also added Rose to our group chat as she expressed how it hurt she wasn't in; though based on the smile she was keeping down during her fake cry I'm not sure how much we should believe it.

Only bad thing was the nagging feeling as I could feel Marinette staring at me from down the table. It was in rushed glances but it was hard to miss and even had Luka leaning over to ask what was up with her leading to a collective "girl drama" from the four of us and more giggling.

He looked concerned and nodded a bit before scooting a bit closer to the dude next to him. Which only made us laugh harder.

Checks finally came making me feel bad for the server all over again as she had to ring them all in after. A few people got up after handing over their payment, I assume for bathrooms but it was when Adrien got up I was interested.

Here Kitty (Chatnoir x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum