Chapter Twenty-Eight

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He had been staring at me for a long time. We'd moved into his office and now me and Adrien were sat on the couch.

"I'm..really not sure there's a way to salvage this" He sighs but I'm ignoring him as Adrien is showing me the Instagram feed that started it all. The fact that I didn't notice this was happening is concerning.

It had back to back photos of Adrien up at the counter with me, most looked like they were through the window though some where from inside. What really caught my attention was apparently someone caught my blow up on Stephanie on tape. My own words flew back at me and Adrien was trying to hold his laugh back, same as on the video.

"I don't know how you can be laughing right now. I hate the idea of being filmed" He raised a brow at me looking like he was gonna respond before smiling.

'You dirty little cat'

"They have a catalog of most of our interactions" I huff pulling my own phone out and pulling up the news.

"Oh great, I'm a prostitute now" I smile real big showing Adrien the headline. His face instantly grows cold as he reads the headline.

"What pricks.." He mumbles he peaks over my shoulder as we read over them together. Suddenly there's a click and a noise of excitement before a phone gets shoved in our face.

"That's it. You to are going to do a press statement and then a few photo opps and have a nice clean break up so the news can forget about you!" Gabriel smiles he zooms in on my face "You're just gracefully taking the punches, laughing even! At the silliness of these accusations" then a zoom on Adrien "and you, a possessive..partner, upset at the way his..girl? Is being treated by the-"

"Oh god" I giggle as I smack Adriens arm. Mine and chats photo is plastered front page of the LadyBlog

"I've never been more upset to miss a scoop. Chat Noir is dating Y/N Y/LN?!"

Adriens hands were immediately in his hands "Aw Alya there was barely any Articles about that yet" He sighed.

"Oh god" Gabriel put his hands in his hair "We're ruined. Some poverty sticken whore has ruined the Agreste name!"

"Oh please you're being overly dramatic, they will forget in no time! 2 weeks tops" I wave my hand dismissing his claims


"Hey I'm going to be late!" I demand as I push through the paparazzi.

"Do you have any comments about what people are saying?"
"Are you really a prostitute?"
"Is it true you're dating 37 men?"
"Is it true you're living on the streets as Adrien Agreste lives in a mansion and refuses to let you inside?"

With my hand on my door I turn to face the crazy people "Well they certainly are getting creative.." I huff "Where did you even get 37?? That's so high!" I call to the reporter. I roll my eyes swinging open the door. Paparazzi were banned from the store once Mrs. Cartier realized lots of people only there to take pictures weren't really great for business.

They were actually in today and she instantly came over and started dusting me off "Those schweine!" She grumbled "With their big cameras, you find a nice guy and get slandered everywhere I tell you, VOULCHERS that's what they are!" She popped ahead of me into the managers office before coming out with a small bowl.

She swiped me in before removing it from her hip and handing it to me. I quickly attach the clip to my belt loop, I love when she's in because it means I get full manager authorization. Without having to put in any of the silly codes.

"Tochter try these. It's new recipe, I think you'll like it" She said holding the bowl out to me.

I get a little giddy as I grab one from the bowl. It's a small, almost cake looking thing and when I bit into it something like pudding came out with it. I quickly put my hand under it to catch the crumbs and pudding and smiled at her "Little messy but omgg so good" I smile. She laughs at me before handing me the bowl and waving at my bag. I swap with her and she goes into the managers office hanging my bag on the door before grabbing her notebook.

I giggle going and setting the bowl in the tea room only to see Moe pouting "Whats your problem" I giggle.

"Well I didn't get any dessert" He rolls his eyes "This feels like favoritism."

"What nooo..not Mrs. Cartier!" I playfully gasped at his totally valid claims

"Uh-huh sure Tochter" Blake teased as he squeezed by us. "I didn't even get to try those, said she'd slice my fingers off if I got into em" He shivered a bit before turning back and grabbing a bag of sugar from the shelf.

"Hey I'm sorry I've kicked your mom to the side as best daughter but maybe she shouldn't of ran off with some..I don't remember the word" I huffed

"No need. I know all about what she thinks of my father" He sighs "Gimme one" He demands making grabby hands towards the bowl.

"Only if I get to steal after my shift" I demand making him roll his eyes.

"Like you don't do that anyway" I smile real big as I toss him one of the cakes. His eyes roll back as soon as it's in his mouth "Fuck!" He whispers "I hate you" He huffs walking away

"Love you too nephewww!" I giggle before sliding the bowl over to Moe after grabbing another for myself. Moe has the same reaction as Blake, rolling his eyes back and banging the counter a little.

"How do I become the favorite" He whines.

"Killing me" I wink



A sack full of pastries that didn't get bought today in one hand and my bag draped over my shoulder I was walking out. It had been a long day but with no Adrien to picture and me only working the Paparazzi had cleared out.

The Sudan pulled up as they have for the past 2 weeks. Ezra hopped out and opened the door for me. I slide in the back with a quick 'thank you' before peaking at the two a head of me.

"Evening Ezra, Natalie. Where are we off to today?" I smile. They both peak back at me before turning forward and driving off.

I roll my eyes a bit and toss myself backwards waiting til we get back to the Agrestes.

"I am sorry you're having to go through this. I know it must be hard" Natalie says after a while of silence.

"Oh you mean having a fling with a dude only to be tossed to the wolves? Being forced out of my apartment because it doesn't fit 'the Agreste standard'. Or maybe it's the constantly having shit talked about me, when it's shit that doesn't even matter" I huff.

Her lips press together but she says nothing. I just keep quiet as we drive on.

It's not long before we make it to our destination. The long stairs await me again and I start jumping up em. I hobble up, up, and up the stairs from the house and the stairs up to Adriens room.

I flop down on his mattress when I hear the shower running.

'I'm to tired for sex'

"Hey, how are you holding up?" A small voice questions. He sits on my chest and I give a scratch to his head.

"What are they saying now Plagg?"
"You're using Adrien for his money"

I sigh "Cheese Danish?" I question opening up my bag. He nods and we shove our faces full as we wait for Adrien. Once the shower turns off Plagg is quick to hide.

Adrien steps out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel, water dripping down his chest from his hair.

Suddenly sex doesn't sound so bad.

"Oh! Hey!" He smiles "I didn't know you'd be home already" He scratches the back of his neck before walking over.

I say nothing but flop back down and tossing the bag to the other side of the bed. He peaks inside and laughs a bit "You're gonna make me fat you keep bringing all the pastries home" He shakes his head before moving over to his closet.

His muscular frame dripping wet, claw marks down his back and faded bruising over his neck and chest. His a fuckin piece of art.

"Dont forget we have that conference today. Father is tired of waiting for this to blow over"

"Yeah..but it's not for a while. We have time" I tease flashing him a smile

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