Chapter Thirty-Five

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The house was way bigger than what I originally expected. Cars lined the driveway and you could just make out some music coming from inside the house. Chat had his mask on whenever he popped up at our agreed spot but was covered otherwise. I held out on the get-up until we had arrived but now safely in the gate I slip mine on as well.

It was a soft looking two story house painted a gentle off white with brown trims and a wooden porch that looped to the edge of the house. The music was louder now that I was outside the door and a burly looking man looked up from a tablet as we approached. I pulled at chats wrist before we stepped up on the porch and clipped a leash to the collar hanging from his neck.

A small blush flooded him as I walked up tugging him along. "Can I see your invite?" He questioned his voice gruff and intimidating but it seemed like he tried to soften it for me. I slipped the paper from my bag and he snapped a photo of it a second later he seemed to do a small comparison before nodding and giving a rehearsed knock to the door. It opened almost immediately and we were greeted with a smile.

Then he held his hands to his ears mumbling a quick "Let Marice know one of his special guests are here" as we passed him. I raised a brow at all of the bustling people I hear Chats breath pick up a bit behind me.

There was a decent mix of people masked and unmasked, quite a few had their partners on leashed but a majority where freeroam glued to their doms side.

"You two look absolutely adorable" The woman who opened the door smiled "We have pins for you to distinguish one another apart" She pulls out the colored pins and ribbons before she started explaining "Green is experienced and interested, yellow is for a more slow paced experience, and the red is for the newbies. We have ribbons to show sexualities and the buttons have dom, switch, and sub options so everyone knows what they're getting into" She smiles. I peak up at her button I immediately clock it as one like what the bouncer had, a light blue button that says 'Staff'

"Thank you" I smile at her grabbing a yellow button for me not completely sure how comfortable I'd be here yet "Are we able to come back an swap buttons. It's my first party in Paris and they can be pretty different based on whose throwing them" I smile

"Of course" She smiles "Especially as one of Moe's people you could get anything you want here" She giggles

"How did you know..?" I question with my brow raised. She slid her hair back showing a blue tooth in her ear before nodding over to people peaking over at us all with blue buttons.

"We're all making sure we know who needs to be watched at this party. If you need anything at all any of us is happy to help" She smiles

"..who the fuck is Moe" Chat whispers to me making me giggle. I grab a red button with 'SUB' written across it for Chat and wave at the ribbons. His eyebrows furrow for a second making me a bit surprised expecting him to immediately grab straight.

I grab my own flag getting mine pinned up as he just stares into them mulling over his choices. "Do you not know which is which?" I question.

"I know some of them.." He admits a blush hitting my face "but after knowing you I'm not sure which fits me.." He huffs a bit.

The woman giggles a bit "That happens with the pretty women huh? They always have some fun ideas" She reaches over grabbing a bisexual flag ribbon and drawing on a question mark to the front "Are you wanting to leave your bags and coats?" She questions making me quickly nod. She quickly writes a number on the back of his ribbon before grabbing a corresponding tag.

She swaps the ribbon for our things and I quickly pin Chat up with his button and flag. As I tug him again from his leash his starts eyeing his little flag "This feels weird" He mumbles

I dead stop making him crash into me before I turn and grab him by his shoulders "Your sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of. I went through a whole lot of turmoil whenever I found out and I'll tell you now it's not worth it. People are just people. No matter what gender gets your rocks off, you're still you"

His lips press together for a second before he nods dropping the flag "Yeah, you're you think we could talk about it more later though?" He questions

I smile "Of course kitten" I give him a small kiss before I grab hold of his leash again. We make our way through the groups of people. Some are chatting amongst themselves and others are excitedly moving towards other rooms. When we make it over to the bar I request a bottled water and turn towards the group seeing if I can spot Moe anywhere. It's not all that long before I see a bundle of brown curly hair bouncing around.

I smile a bit as we make eye contact and he quickly bids his goodbyes to the group he was talking to. "Hello GORGEOUS" He says sliding in for a hug "Ugh I'm so glad I made sure to know what you'd be coming in, I'd be making a fool of myself trying to hit on you" He laughs making me do a little twirl "You look amazing Y/n. And look it you brought your little toy how cutee" He smiles "Which one is it?"

I giggle before lowering my voice a bit "Chat" then I turn towards Chat and nod over at Moe "This is Moe" Chat smiles tentivly raising a hand for Moe.

"Nice to officially meet the cities guardian. Weirdly comforting to know your a little freak like the rest of us" A small blush covers Chats cheeks making me giggle.

"Your staff have been absolutely wonderful" I smile at him. "But it makes me wanna know how terrifying you really are to have them some wrapped up" I giggle

"Well it's not really me they're scared of as much as it is my man but I control their bonuses for the night so they're trynna kiss up to whoever I special invited" He giggles.

"Ah. And who is this mystery man? I've never heard of him" I tease lightly elbowing him.

"Because he's a glorified fuckbuddy who is down to pay my bills to get his dick sucked" He laughs "Which complaints" He shrugs my mouth is immediately open and I shove him

"And you work at the fuckin shop WHY!?" I laugh "If I had a sugar daddy I would NOT be working"

"Honey we both know that's a lie. You hate relying on your little boyfriend to pay for you. You were begging to get your job back. I don't want anybody thinking they have power over me since they pay for my shit. I can pay for myself thank you very much. He gets the pleasure of paying for me" A small smirks falls over his face. Suddenly arms are wrapped around him.

"And what a pleasure it is" The stranger smiled.

"Heyy handsome" Moe smiled up at the towering man. Mother fucker had to be at least 6'4 or some shit. He was fucking huge.

"When I heard you had handwritten on this ones invite I had to see what the fuss was about" He smiled as he put his hand out when I put mine in his he leaned over and gave a small kiss to my knuckles. "I can definitely see why you like her. Her pet is pretty cute too" He smiles

"He certainly is. He's always a good boy for me" I say as I run my fingers through his hair.

"Maybe you can give me some tips for this one. He's always having to be punished" The dude almost growls teasing Moe. Moe only knocks the dudes hand away with an eye roll.

"You could never control me. You're about as pathetic kitty over here" He nods towards Chat.

The dude laughs out a bit "I love it when you get feisty" I giggle a bit at the two as they have their little back and fourth. Suddenly a high pitched squeal screams out.

"O.M.G Benji honey!" A girl comes up throwing herself on the monstrosity of a tower. Moe instantly makes a face and grabs me to pull me away.

"She's a bitch run" He says as he's dragging me. I can only giggle as I follow him through the house Chat trailing behind.

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