Chapter Twelve

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Going back to work was..interesting to say the least. Stephanie was surprisingly still here and after the whole meltdown I had on her last time she decided she wasn't a fan of me. Until Adrien came in today "Hey beautiful" He smiled at me already handing over 6 euros to Stephanie making her scrunch her eyebrows together.

She had already had the order pulled up and begins cashing it out while we continue talking. "Hey are you going to that clean up thing Mylene was talking about last night it's this week right?"

"Yeah I'm trying to. I think father will let me for the photo opp"

"Ew gross, you call him father? Kinda old timey homeless British child are you?" My face shows my disgust plainly making Adrien laugh.

"What do you call your father?" He questions

"Bold of you to assume I have one" I lean over the counter a bit "but if I just so happened to have one I'd call him dad like a normal person. Is that a european thing? Calling them 'father' " I question putting an accent to 'father' which got a giggle out of him.

"Whats the clean up thing?" Stephanie butts in making us both pause and look at her.

"Oh..some of our friends are going around the parks and cleaning them up. They're trying to get more volunteers, if you wanted to go" He smiled

She gasps before lightly smacking my arm "I can't believe you didn't tell me about that!" She turns back to Adrien "I would love to go. I care so much about the earth and its really just sad how people throw their trash around like that"

He gives her an awkward smile "If you're into it you should definitely talk to Mylene whenever you get there she does these little projects a lot. Sometimes it's planting trees, sometimes cleaning up, sometimes she does rallys and fundraisers." He shrugs they start talking about it a bit more as I leave to continue actually working. Luckily, our front line wasn't that busy.

I didn't care much until I over heard Adrien as if we knew each other well prompting Stephanie to her very bad lie "Oh yeah we're like best work buddies. I dread any shift without her!"

My eyebrows furrow together as I shake my head no at Adrien behind her before making a vomit motion. He let's out a little giggle making Stephanie whip around and I quickly move away "I'm gonna go clean the lobby!" I smile

"Yeah I gotta go to before I'm late to my photo shoot" Adrien says peaking at the time. He waves as he walks out holding the door open for a guy before making his way out.

The guy makes his way over to me peaking down at my shirt before smiling "Hey uh..I'm here for an interview? I got a call from Blake yesterday?"

"Name?" I ask him

"Marice Clement" He nods watching me wander off.

I pop my head into the managers office "Hey your interview is here. Clement?"

"Uh..shit he's a bit early. Can you tell him to give me just a second? I'm almost done in here."

"Already on it" I say walking away. "Hey give him a second, boring manager stuff" I tell him as I get back to the closet.

"Cool no problem." Marice says looking around a bit "So you mind telling me about the position?"

"Uh depends. Whatcha interview for?" I ask

"Anything really" He let's out a breath "I kinda just need a job, I have a lot of restaurant experience! Front and back of house" A proud smile tugs up his face

"Right..uh. Well..we do some basic pastries but people mostly come for the tea. It's a house blend from the owners they grow their own leaves up on the roof, but their old so they can't run the shop like they used to. Oh and the coffee. God the coffee, so many dead college kids in the mornings" I say grabbing all the supplies I need to start cleaning

He laughs a little and offers to take the bucket from me and follows me out to the lobby. I start wiping down tables as he continues questioning "So how busy would you say you get?"

"Highly depends. We make a couple thousand a day easily but sometimes we're so packed you can't see all the orders on the screen and somedays it's so dead you're waiting for the right time the regulars stop by." I shrug "Schedules suck telling you now. We keep an influx of people in and out so they hire a lot of people expecting the last to quit soon. Sometimes you get overtime sometimes you work part time, all fun of the job" I huff

"If they trust you'll stick around though they try to keep 3 workers plus the managers a shift so you'll get the hours you want however many that is"

"I suppose as many as I can get" He says "I'm trying to save up for school yaknow so as much as I can work I'd like to"

"Totally get it. You work well they'll try to give em. They want consistent workers and at least one consistent worker a shift so yaknow..some of us need off days" I laugh

"What about pay?" He asks "is it worth it. I know manager won't say the truth"

"Truthfully not at first, but if you want a secret get in good with Blake. He's doing your interview and he's the owners grandson. He's a sweetheart, great dude but hes the inside man to help decide who should get raises. Plus the competition is people like Miss. Priss up there who are only keeping the job because Adrien Agreste is a regular here." I pause "or cause its close to their classes and honestly I can't tell which one goes quicker" I shake my head

"Noted. Well I look forward to working with you..hopefully" He smiles holding out his hand.

"Yeah you too uh.."

"You can just call me Moe"

"Well, Moe. I hope you last" I smile grabbing the bucket from him as Blake come into the lobby

"Hey Marice sorry for the wait ready to get started?"


When I get home I toss my bag to the couch and kick my shoes back towards the door. I grab a water bottle from the fridge heading to my room to get out of this uniform.

I was not expecting to see a certain black cat sitting on my bed when I got home. He shoots up when he sees me.

"Hey sorry I thought you were going to be home sooner than this" He says with an awkward smile.

"What are you doing here Chat?" I ask raising my eyebrow heading over to my desser and pulling some clothes out.

"I..don't know really." He bites his lip for a second before continuing "Is it bad I can't stop thinking about you?"

I laugh a bit before answering. "No. It happens a lot I'm a very addictive person" I smile

"You really are.." He trails off

"Then I suppose that means you're here for a fix?"


A/n XxxLilDevilxxX you wanted Moe and he has come.

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