Chapter Fifteen

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I was on register today which means everyone was having fun messing with me. Pretty sells, guys tip more to girls who act like they're interested.

It's a great tactic, until you're getting poked fun at. Well, everyone except for Moe. He was started to learn why everyone was having fun as he saw me interact with the staff more but hadn't gotten quite comfortable enough to make the jokes himself. I was training him on register for his first day.

It was a good thing he was pretty, means even the straight women were ready to tip a bit more.

Right now we had an older man in. He was obviously a tourist based on his American accent and was delighted to find I was also born there. In his words "it's inspiring to see I could 'make it' here" because a just paid enough job to stay in a run down apartment is 'making it' now.

I laughed at a few of his jokes getting him to finally pay. He dropped a 5 into our tip jar before winking at me and standing off to the side for his drink.

Next Andrè stepped up his big jolly face smiling bright "Y/n! I haven't seen you ata the stand in many a moons, where have you been??" He frowns

"Aww I'm sorry. I'll try to find you tonight I haven't been much in the mood for lovers ice cream since the break up" I shrug.

"Ah, you never bring the righta men!" He waves his hands at me "My ice cream knows!! You musta come with the righta guy!" He looks down saddened over my pathetic love life.

"Andrè it's just not what I'm looking for right now. I can stop by myself if you want but I know you're really particular about couples coming to your shop" I shrug and he looks down.

"Yes..yes I supposa you could come witha friend. Love comes in many forms! And ya never knowa, the ice cream could tell you something" He winks at me making me laugh a little shaking my head. I make sure Moe is paying attention as I type in the code to discount off his Croissant. I let Moe handle the rest of the transaction going over to make sure Stephanie is doing alright for her first time alone on drinks.

"Lid" I quickly say as I walk up watching her almost turn on the machine without putting the lid on.

"Shit, sorry" She said quickly grabbing a lid "You do this so calmly how do you not get overwhelmed?"

I laugh at her "I do sometimes. You just gotta take some breaths and deal with it" I shrug grabbing a cup for Andrè drink. I begin making his tea keeping an eye on Stephanie making the coffee for our tourist.

"So this pick up thingy with Adrien" She starts

'Oh god'

"Are you two..going together?" She questions "I don't wanna step on toes if you two have something going on yaknow? I'm not a home wrecker so if you're into him-"

"We're fucking" I cut her off making her whip around her eyes wide "COFFEE!" I yell as the cup starts spilling over

"OH!" She turns off the machine groaning and she moves to the sink. I huff grabbing a lid for Andrès tea.

"Moe. Croissant." I nod over towards the pastries, he quickly runs over grabbing tongs as I grab a straw handing it over to Andrè, Moe right behind me finishing folding over the bag. He hands it over to Andrè and he smiles as us.

"You two make a gooda team, maybe you stop by my stand? Maybe my ice cream tell you something" He smiles waving at us as he waddles out the door. I move back over to Stephanie grabbing a rag to clean up.

She adds a bit more coffee to cup after wiping it down and hands it to the dude "Sorry for the wait" She smiles. He leaves and she props herself next to me as I'm cleaning her mess.

"So you two are..."
"Fucking. You heard me"
"So you..some random coffee girl are fucking THE Adrien Agreste. You realize what a day dream you're living right?" She questions.

"Try more he likes the tea here" I laugh making her look weird at me "it wasn't some big romantic thing. I saw him outside of work used him to make ex jealous, he thought it was funny one thing lead to another. Well..he has a nice tongue" I shrug finishing wiping the machine down and tossing the rag in the bucket.

"O. M. G! You did not just DROP that and expect to walk away!" She says following me as I go grab another pack of leaves to brew some more tea.

"There's nothing else to say" I demand

"Nothing?- NOTHING TO SAY!?" She says tossing her hands up

"Inside voice lady!" I snip seeing Moe peak around the corner

"Now I wanna know. She makes it sound like there IS something to say" He leans against the wall with his arms crossed

"Yeah there is!" She says turning towards me "How good is he? How did it happen? How many times? Can he last? How's the foreplay? Is he secretly like really fucked up in bed like one of those perverts?" She says asking so many questions I'm not sure I could keep up. She only got smacked by Moe

"Hey if you're talking about BDSM being into that doesn't make you messed up." He glares at her

"I mean I like being spanked in bed" She defends "but like there's people who wanna cut you and watch you suffer! I mean there's a RAPE kink for crying out loud" She huffs

"I can get behind two of those.." I mumble

"I don't mind any of em" He shrugs making her turn around looking disgusted

"You'd rape someone?" She questioned her eyes pointed at him.

"Cnc. A big part of it is CONSENT it's very thoroughly planned and has plenty of outs if someone gets uncomfortable, plus. Who said I was a dom" He winks at her before turning around going back up front making her mouth open wider and making me giggle.

"Flies Stephanie, close your mouth" I say passing her to finish making the tea.

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