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'Time skip'

Two weeks after Rick announced the filming date, i
started packing since he needed us to be set at the hotel in 2 days. I was still mad that i had to share a connected hotel room with Walker, but i just had to deal with it.

While packing my stuff, i got nostalgic looking back at my old stuff, my toys, my Shopkins, my Percy Jackson books, my old picture frames, i think i spent more time looking back at my old stuff then packing.

After finishing packing, i went downstairs to find my older siblings, Johnny and Diana watching one of my school performances when i was 6 on the TV with my parents on the couch.

"uh???" i say confused.

Johnny was laughing his bald spot off with Diana, and my parents were laughing along. They all turned around when they heard my voice. My mom patted the spot next to her.

"We're just watching your Sophia the first performance, the one you did in school! Oh, i remember when u were singing and everyone was giggling because of your creaky voice. Golden times."

Laughing, i sit down next to my mom and Johnny.

"oh my god!! i remember here, Sherley was eating cake and Johnny came and slammed face into the cake and she started bawling and he tried to shush her down and then she smashed his face in the cake.
It was so funny and then mom came down and she had to wash them both while i was eating the leftover cake. Funniest memory ever."
Diana says when another clip of me and Johnny popped up. We all laugh at that memory.

"guys do u remember when we went to that sushi restaurant and i threw up all over dad and Diana?" i say giggling remembering one of my favorite memories.

"I do! I remember trying not to gag and cry." My dad says laughing.

"don't remind me." Diana says crossing her arms and shaking her head.

"are you actually leaving in 2 days? i can't believe i'm saying this but i'm kind of going to miss you. who am i gonna make fun of?" Johnny says in a sad voice.

I sigh, "yeah, i can't believe i'm saying this either, but i'm also going to miss u all. you'll have Diana to make fun of don't you worry." i say bumping his nose.

"Don't get all sappy now, ur going to come visit on the weekends right?" My dad says, trying not to cry.

"i'll obviously try, but the filming location is like 3 hours away from here, will i be able to every week?" i say nervously.

"How about we take a photograph? Huh? Our monthly thing?" My mom suggests trying to change the subject, she looked like she was going to sob. She got up and went to get the camera.

Since we were born, my parents decided that every month, we would take a photograph together on the couch, on my dad's old camera. After we took the photograph, we put it on our board of pictures in the kitchen. It used to be my least favorite part of the week, but now? It was gonna be one of the most things i was going to miss while i was away.

The room was silent, the only thing heard was the TV background.

"i'm going to miss you guys. i mean it. im going to miss stealing Diana's clothes, and bickering with johnny, eating dads cookies, trying on moms heels, don't tell her that though."

They all laughed.

"we're going to miss you too, and hey, i'll pack u some of my clothes, the pretty ones. You know, if u ever need it." She winks at me saying that last sentence. I knew exactly what she was talking about. Walker.

"ew Diana never!" i say my face red.

My mom comes back with the camera. This was the last time i was going to take a photograph with them in 10 months.
"Ready?" she says sadly.

"never." it was something me and my siblings came up with when we were younger, we still used it till now.

My mom set down the camera on the table, and we got in our traditional poses.
"Cheese!!" we say in sync.

The night ended with lots of laughter, old memories, and most importantly, i was surrounded by all the people i loved most. (don't tell johnny that)


It was the day that i had to leave to the hotel. I was really excited, but mostly sad that i had to leave my family.

My flight was at 3AM so i had to leave home at 1AM to avoid traffic and get there on time, my siblings were going to drop me off at the airport.

Going down the stairs with a heavy heart, it was the moment i dreaded the most. The goodbyes.

My family was already waiting for me in the living room. To my surprise, the first person who hugged me was Johnny, and i didn't hesitate to hug him back. He was still my bestfriend at the end of the day. The next person was Diana. My other half, the person i could tell everything too. I was going to miss her a lot. And i mean a lot.

I hugged my mom next, i was so scared to not have her next to me, i mean, i was only filming but i was leaving my life behind to pursue this career.
The next person was my dad, he gave me a bear hug, and gave me boy advice. (he wasn't acting like a dad don't ask why).

And it was time, my uber driver arrived, and my dad loaded my luggages in the trunk.

"do i have to leave?" i say tearing up.

"It's for the best Sher, you're doing something you've always loved. Remember we're always here." My mom says, her voice cracking.

I tackled them with one last group hug.
"i love you guys." i say and get in the uber.
Wiping my tears, i wave goodbye from the window as the uber starts driving away.


(Time skip to when she arrives at the hotel)

Arriving at the hotel, it was 7AM, the sun was shining brightly, and my head was pounding. I was severely jet-lagged. Sighing, i walked in the hotel with the heavy luggage, thankfully, the nice bellhop took my stuff, and i checked in to the hotel.

When i first entered the room, it wasn't bad at all.
There was a small kitchen on the right side of the room, on the other side of the room was the bed area, there was a queen sized bed with a vanity next to it and a closet. Next to the door that i entered, was a couch and a TV with some Percy Jackson books on the table. Typical. It was really cozy. The only thing that caught my attention was there wasn't a bathroom. Was I going to share a bathroom with Walker?

There was a door next to my bed, so i walked over and opened it. It was indeed the bathroom. It was spacious and very nice. On the other side of the bathroom was another door, i was guessing that was Walkers side of the room. I didn't even try to go over there.

I unpacked my stuff, took a shower and by the time i was finished, it was already 8:30 AM. So the minute i layed down on the bed and got comfy, i feel asleep snoring, dreaming about the day that was about to come.

A/N hey guyssss
this was a cute chapter tbh
next episode is gonna be the start of filming i think
see u❗️❗️

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