**** Memory 2 ****

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Ikarus watched this process. Though he didn't know how to feel about Amaru's need for organization.

"Obsessive Compulsive Disorder...?" Ikarus asked softly while he stepped directly next to Amaru to get a better look at what he was doing.

Amaru laughed to himself.

"I wouldn't say Obsessive..." Amaru smiled, putting his hands loosely on his hips and observing his new organization.

"But you still definitely have OCD." Ikarus said with a big smile on his face.

Ikarus carefully stepped around Amaru, gently patting him on the shoulder while he stepped over to his side of the room.

"Maybe." Amaru moved over to his nightstand, changing how a few things were organized. "I think you should change that 'Maybe' to a 'Yes." Ikarus said with a smile. He was across the room as he spoke, yet Amaru could almost feel his cheeky smile.

They heard a knock on the door, followed by a woman's voice, "Hey you two, it's Didi. Do y'all mind if I come in for a little bit?"

Amaru and Ikarus looked at each other, Ikarus shrugged and opened the door. "Sure! Was there something you needed, Ma'am?" Ikarus asked while stepping to the side to let Didi enter the room the two boys shared.

"Oh, no. Not at all. I was just coming to check on you two and say hi." Didi smiled at the two, she seemed a lot more gentle than Carter...

"Oh! Well that's very nice of you." Ikarus smiled at her, stepping back over to his side of the room to continue unpacking.

"I don't think I got y'alls names? I know Emily, but I wasn't really payin' attention to you guys." Didi spoke with a hint of a southern accent, which was a pretty big difference from Amaru's proper way of speaking. Though Ikarus didn't speak with much flair. Overall, he sounded as American as it gets. Boring and plain. He wasn't southern, and he wasn't english. He was just...Ikarus...

"I go by Amaru... But Mr.Grandville has been calling me Jax..." Amaru said with a sigh.

Amaru stepped over to Ikarus, patting his back and holding his hands out. He mouthed, "Help?"

Ikarus nodded with a smile. "Oh, yeah! My name is Ikarus Kanaei!"

"Well that's a pretty name for ya!" Didi laughed, stepping over to the boys. She had a nice handbag that he held tightly in her hands. She watched the boys unpack Ikarus' things.

Didi's gaze seemed to trail off to Amaru more times than it did Ikarus. She seemed interested in Amaru's appearance, but other than that, she most likely wouldn't have cared much to look at Amaru.

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