* Memory 5 *

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"Show yourself and ask questions...?" Ikarus shook his head. "As if that's all you'll do...I'm not buying it."

Atakimaru furrowed his brow. "Why don't you trust me? We're already bound together, I'm sure my intentions are pretty clear to you."

Ikarus frowned. "I guess they are... I still don't trust you around Amaru."

"And why's that?" Atakimaru stepped to Ikarus' side.

"... It's you. Who in their right mind would trust you...?" Ikarus gave Atakimaru a disappointed look.

"Alright, that's fair." Atakimaru laughed to himself, nodding in agreement to Ikarus.

They heard the door creak open, immediately both of them turned their head to the door. Amaru was walking into the room. Ikarus attempted to get Atakimaru to hide, but he wouldn't. Atakimaru stood confidently, waiting for Amaru to fully enter the room and see him.

Amaru paused, his eyes going between Ikarus and Atakimaru.

"...New friend?" Amaru's voice was layered with confusion. He didn't really know how he was supposed to react.

Atakimaru furrowed his brow. "I am no one's friend! I am the demon of destruction, Atakimaru! If you answer my questions, I might just let you live!"

Amaru seemed unamused, his face blank as he slowly blinked.

"...Uh huh..." Amaru nodded, though he didn't seem too interested in listening to Atakimaru mumble on and on aimlessly.

"Why am I supposed to be scared of you again?" Amaru turned his head to the side.

"Why— Because I'm Atakimaru! I'm the Essence of Destruction!" Atakimaru was almost pouting at this point.

"Okay...?" Amaru turned his head to the side slightly, questioning Atakimaru. "What do you even do...?"

"Why you little–" Atakimaru balled his hand into a fist. "Do you not have any will to live, you little brat!?"

Amaru shook his head. "You've got me all wrong. I have a will to live. I just don't have the will to listen to you."

Ikarus stepped forward, putting his hand on Atakimaru's shoulder and pulling him back. "That's enough Atakimaru!"

Atakimaru spun his head around to glare at Ikarus. "Don't overstep your place, human..." Atakimaru's voice was filled with disdain as he spoke to Ikarus.

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