********** Memory 2 ********** (Completed)

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The children were laughing, playing together joyfully. Ikarus softly knocked on the door. "Amaru...Please...Open the door...I want to make sure you're okay..." He spoke, his voice breaking while he fought a few tears.

The latch of the lock could be heard clicking, unlocking. The door slowly crept open. Amaru looked at Ikarus through the small crack in the door.

Ikarus softly smiled at him the best he could. "I know...This has been hard on you... But you have to let me help you or you won't get better..." Ikarus spoke softly, his hand gently reaching in and grabbing Amaru's.

"...Dara got adopted...And they wouldn't take me with her... At least you still have your sister..." Amaru's words were sharp and spiteful, a tear falling down his face.

"...She's getting adopted today...And they were going to bring me and one other person with her. I need you to come out and come with me." Ikarus tightly gripped Amaru's hand. "I need you..." He continued.

Amaru carefully opened the door more, his hair in a quick messy bun, his eyes tired and red from crying. "...Okay..." Amaru let Ikarus come inside.

Ikarus helped Amaru clean up, helping him wipe his face and get his hair brushed. He picked out an outfit for Amaru from his closet. "Do you need help changing? Or are you good...?" Ikarus softly asked. "I'm not disabled...I'm just emotional..." Amaru responded sarcastically. Ikarus nodded.

While he was about to step out to let Amaru change, he felt Amaru's hand on his arm. "Huh? Yeah?"

"Stay. Please..." Amaru didn't want to look Ikarus in the eyes as he spoke. "...I-I do... Need help changing..."

"Oh–... Yeah... I'll help you." Ikarus smiled softly, helping Amaru stay supported and change his clothes. "Man, you're fatigued..." Ikarus responded softly when Amaru's clothes had been changed and he was leaning on Ikarus. Amaru nodded. "Yeah..."

"Do you need to sleep a little bit first...? Or are you ready to get out of here?" Ikarus asked calmly, his hand gently on the back of Amaru's head.

"I'm okay...We can go..." Amaru confirmed. Ikarus nodded, keeping his hand on Amaru's back to keep him more stable as they walked through the halls.

When they got to the front office they saw Emily playing with a man and a woman. They seemed like they were in their late thirties, maybe early forties. When they looked up and saw Amaru, they immediately gasped. Taking in his strange and unique appearance.

"Well aren't you a catch!" The man said, smiling as he walked closer to Amaru and held his hand out to him.

"I'm Carter Grandville, and that's my wife Didi. It's a pleasure to meet you." The man said.

Amaru hesitantly reached out his hand. "...My name is Amaru..." Amaru spoke softly.

"No last name?" Carter asked.

"...Amaru is my last name...I just don't go by my first name..." Amaru responded.

"How about your middle name?" Carter kept pushing for another name to call Amaru.

"...I guess it'd be Jaxis Amaru..." Amaru said with his gaze idly on the ground.

"Perfect! Nice to meet you Jax!" Carter said while turning to the woman at the front desk. "We'll adopt all three of them!" He said happily. Didi clapped her hands, already holding Emily. The woman nodded as they filled out paperwork.

They loaded the three of them into a car. Emily sitting by Ikarus with Amaru in the front seat beside Carter. Didi was in the back seat to the left, Emily in the middle.

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