****** Memory 3 ******

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"The Five Essences of Evil are five extremely powerful demons. They only make deals with things that they particularly like, and there has only ever been four people in history recorded to have a deal with them. Most have perished a long time ago though."

"What kind of demons are they?" Ikarus perked up his head, scooting forward to Amaru.
"Let's see... Blood, Gravity, Control, Destruction, and Smoke." Amaru spoke softly.

Ikarus turned his head and said, "Smoke? How could a demon of smoke be powerful?"

"Because the smoke demon isn't actually a demon of solely smoke." Amaru continued, "The demon can also manipulate toxic gasses and poisons. Though, it's been rumored to be quite the partier."

"So people say the smoke demon is super unserious?" Ikarus turned his head to the side in confusion. "Better question, why do you know that...?" Ikarus thought to himself.

Amaru nodded his head. "From what I've heard."

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