Chapter 17.

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Friday 4th March
2:30 am


"This is the one boss. She's been stealing from us."

My dad gently held unto my 13 year old  hand and led me in-front of the tied-up worker.

"Now's your time babygirl. Show her hell." He instructed with a sinister smile.

I tied my hair back and began to beat the crap out of her. Just like I had been taught  to through training.

I heard the leaders egg me on as I continued to beat her down black and blue.

"Go Cassidy! Keep going! Make her bleed. She has to pay and get the baby too!"

"Go Cassidy! Go Cassidy! Cassidy! Cassidy!"

"Cassidy! Ayo Cassidy wake up mamas. I gotcha."

I woke up breathing heavily to David's hand rubbing my back to consciousness.

Crap it was happening again.

"You okay Mamas?"

"Yeah, just a bad dream." I said nodding my head regulating my breathing.

I made my way out of the bed to get some water from down stairs.

I couldn't believe it was happening again.

Sometimes I would suffer from PTSD from the experiences I had to be apart of from back in the day. They would only occur after a violent experience, so I'm guessing what triggered this episode was my talk with Chard.

Sometimes it felt like a constant battle between who I once was and who I was trying to become.

"I think that's enough water mamas." David's voice's said startling me out of deep thought.

I hadn't even realised that the water coming out of the faucet was overflowing my cup. I abruptly turned it off  regaining my thoughts.

I felt Dave come up behind me embracing me with loving arms.

"What's up with you Ci?"

"Whatchu mean babe?" I respond innocently facing him whilst taking a sip of my water.

He lifts me up softly placing me on the counter and sets down his hands on either side of me. I mirror his sentiments by putting my arms around his neck.

"I know you like the back of my hand Ci. I know how you sleep when you're exhausted. I know how you sleep when you're stressed out. I know how you sleep when you're at peace."

He was so attentive.

"I pay attention to you mamas. But tonight you were straight up restless. Somethings on you that you can't shake. Talk to me."

The way this man saw through me was so scary. I felt the most naked when he was confronting about my feelings.

"It's nothing babe really. I'm just nervous about exams and I'm spiralling a little bit."

I mean I didn't lie. I was nervous about my exams and I was spiralling a little bit. I just wasn't spiralling about it today.

"Hmmm. You lying to me Cassidy ?"

"No. There's some other stuff but I don't want to get into yet."

"But I-"

I cut him off by kissing him.

"But I think we should focus on Dior for today and all the other stuff can come second. She's really excited about it and I just wanna be there for her."

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